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Bedrock is commonly referred to as the rock that lies right beneath the earths surface. Bedrock is different from other rocks because usually the surface just above the rock can warn away due to things such as the weather, which causes it to break and sometimes change in color.

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Q: How is bed rock different from other types of rocks?
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What different types of rock are there?

There are three (3) different types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

Why are mineral bands in metamorphic rocks light and dark colored?

Mineral bands are light and dark colored because they are different types of rock. In the rock cycle different types of rock can stack on top of each other, this can be subducted into the earth near the Mantle where there is enough pressure the rocks can start to melt and change. Because different types of rock metamorphose into different rocks you can have many layers in a type of rock. These can be light or dark colors depending on the rock.

Why are there so many types of rocks?

Different rock are made by the many different events that lead to their creation. Other rock just have different amounts and types of minerals, creating different rock with hardness, texture, color, and shape patterns.

How does the sedimentary rocks change into other types of rocks?

by the rock cycle :)

Do sedimentary rocks have different types of rocks mixed in them?

Sedimentary rock does have different type of rock because when shells,sand, and soil pick up and become rock that combination can make 100 different types of rocks because of the minerals,size,and shape.

Can a rock be a metamorphic rock?

when the heat hits the different rocks its combinded with other rocks

What are different types of sedimentary rock?

Coal and Sandstone are two types of sedimentary rocks.

Pictures of the different kinds of rocks?

Check the link below for pictures of rocks and rock types.

What does the rock cycle demonstrate about three different types of rock?

It shows that the three forms of rocks are interelated to one another and each leads to the other.

Do different types of rocks erode at different rates?

depends on conditions and type of rock

How many different types of rocks are there in the world?

There are three different rock types which are called igneous; rocks formed by the cooling of lava and magma (molten rock), sedimentary; rocks formed when weathered particles of other rocks and fossils are compacted and cemented together at the bottom of rivers and the sea and metamorphic; formed when other rocks are changed by heat and pressure underground. There are many individual rocks within each of these categories.

Compare and Contrast different types of Sedimentary Rocks?

Sedimentary rock is a kind of rock unto itself.