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by means of plants

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Q: How is carbon dioxide released from carbonate rocks into the atmosphere?
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How is carbon dioxide released into the air by carbonate rocks?

When acid rain reacts with the carbonate rocks, carbon dioxide is usually released into the air.

What does respiration remove from the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is being released. As you breathe in you inhale fresh oxygen, but as you breathe out your body releases carbon dioxide.

Where does co2 loading occur?

- carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere: - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the biosphere - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by body of waters

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

There are several. The main ones are:PhotosynthesisCarbonate formationDissolution of carbon dioxide into seawater

What gas or liquid is released from copper carbonate when heated?

Carbon dioxide is released.

How is the balance mainted between the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in atmosphere?

The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the atmosphere by the oxygen released by plant during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide released by human ,animal's etc in the atmosphere

What are the chemical formulas of carbon dioxide and carbonate?

Carbon dioxide = CO2. Carbonate = MeCO3 (Me is the cation)

Why does carbon dioxide naturally occur in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide occurs in various ways with the industrial processes being the main contributors. Transportation also emits carbon dioxide to the environment and that is why it is referred to as a necessary evil.

When carbonate reacts with acid what gas is released?

The gas is carbon dioxide, CO2.

In what form is most carbon released into the atmosphere?

Carbon takes the form of carbon dioxide, CO2, and carbon monoxide, CO. Carbon dioxide makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere, and carbon monoxide makes up about 0.0002% of the atmosphere.

When carbon is released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide when you breathe during the process of?


Is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when you burn fuel?

yes it is