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Coral limestone is formed almost completely from the calcitic skeletons of individual coral polyp colonies. Other limestones can be formed from the shells of marine organisms or be formed from the precipitation of calcite from a saturated solution, or a combination of the two. Chemically, they're pretty much the same.

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Q: How is coral limestone different from other types of limestone?
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What are two types of limestone?

Chalk and marble are some other types of limestone.

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Are all caves made of limestone?

No, not all caves are made of limestone. Caves can be formed in various types of rocks, including granite, sandstone, and volcanic lava flows. Limestone caves are common because limestone is soluble and can be eroded by water to create cave systems, but caves can also form in other types of rocks through different geological processes.

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Relative to other rock types, limestone is on the 'easily weathered' end of the scale.