

How is soil important?

Updated: 6/11/2024
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12y ago

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Soil is important because without it there would be no plants and without plants we have no oxygen unless your an alein

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1mo ago

Soil is important because it is a vital component of ecosystems, playing a crucial role in supporting plant growth, cycling nutrients, and storing carbon. Healthy soils also help filter and clean water, provide a habitat for a diverse range of organisms, and contribute to overall environmental sustainability.

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What is the important product of weathering?

One important product of weathering is soil. Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller particles, which when combined with organic matter form soil. Soil is essential for supporting plant growth and agriculture.

Why organisms important in soil?

Organisms are important in soil as they play key roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, and soil structure formation. They help maintain soil fertility, improve water holding capacity, and contribute to overall soil health and ecosystem function.

Which soil horizon is the most important in forming soil?

The A horizon is the most important in forming soil as it contains organic matter and is the top layer where plant roots grow. This layer contributes to soil fertility and structure through the decomposition of organic material.

What are the ways by which soil organisms are important to the farming industries?

Soil organisms are essential for maintaining soil fertility by decomposing organic matter, cycling nutrients, and improving soil structure. They also help control pests and diseases, enhance plant health, and contribute to overall ecosystem resilience. Without soil organisms, farming industries would struggle to sustain healthy soil and achieve high crop yields.

Why are the soil characteristics important?

Soil characteristics are important because they influence plant growth, soil fertility, water retention, and drainage. Understanding the soil's texture, pH, nutrient content, and structure can help determine the types of plants that will thrive in that environment and guide proper soil management practices.

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Why is type of soil important to the plant?

Alluvial soil is important to the plant.

Why is it important for soil to absorb water?

Water is important for soil so that the soil can be health and grow plants!

Why Soil Is Important To Animals?

It is important because the animals eat the plants grown out of the soil.

Why are soil organiams important?

soil organisms are important because without the organisms there'd be no plants

Why soil is very important part of nature?

soil is important to nature bcoz w/out soil no trees can live... soil is considered to be the most important raw materials in planting aside from seedlings...

Why is loosening of soil important?

Soil is important to man because man needs soil to grow crops and plants. If there was no crops or plants the animals would no be able to survive therefore producing no meat for humans etc. Soil is also important for gardening.

Why is loamy soil is important for soil living animals?

loamy soil is important for soil living animals because it retains water.Loam is aerated (high content of air) and contains lots of nutrients. For soil living animals it is the best soil.

How is plants important in earth?

it protect soil from soil erosion

Why are mosses important to soil production?

Mosses are vital to soil production as it increase aeration and regulate the temperature of the soil. The moss also is important in moisture retention.

How soil form and what factors are important?

Hard soil does not tire out the jounts.

Why are earthworms important for the soil?

Because, they swallow the soil to make it fertile.