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Sulphur is contained in most fossil fuels, it burns as well. Answer: Sulfur in fossil fuels is present as sulfides, disulfides and mercaptans. The followig ist is brief comparison of the expected (nonnumeric) amounts to be expected by fuel type: * Coal - Low to High Sulfur content

* Bunker Oil - Low to High Sulfur content

* Heavy Diesel - Low to High Sulfur content * Diesel/Furnace oil - Low sulfur

* Gasoline - Low sulfur * Butane - Low sulfur (a few ppm as odorant )

* Propane - Low sulfur (a few ppm as odorant ) * Methane - Low sulfur (a few ppm as odorant ) * Natural Gas - Low sulfur (a few ppm as odorant ) * Sour Natural Gas - High sulfur

* Refinery Off Gases - Low to High Sulfur content

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Q: How is sulfur dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels?
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What human activity releases large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the environment?

Sulfur dioxide is produced by the burning of coal to produce electricity. Nearly 2/3 of the sulfur dioxide produced is through the burning of fossil fuels.

What is the primary source of sulfur dioxide?

Volcanoes produce more sulfur dioxide than any other cause. Some sulfur dioxide is also release from the burning of sulfur-rich fossil fuels.

What produces sulfur dioxide?

burning of fossil fuels

What is produced from the burning of fossil fuels?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide if the burn is complete. Energy is produced. By-products would include Carbon Dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide.

What gas does complete burning of fossil fuels produce?

Complete burning of the hydrocarbon portion of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide. Since most fossil fuels contains nitrogenous and sulfurous components also, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide would also be produced by complete combustion.

Can sulfur dioxide be found in power plants refineries and industrial boilers.?

Sulfur dioxide is released from the burning of fossil fuels.

Why does burning hydrocarbons produce sulphur dioxide?

Sulfur dioxide is produced only if the hydrocarbons are contaminated with sulfur compounds.

How do the combustion of some impurities in hydrocarbon fuels result in the formation of sulfur dioxide?

Sulfur dioxide is the product of burning (oxidation) of organosulfur compounds from fossil fuels.

Sulfur dioxide forms from the burning of what?

Burning sulfur in oxygen produces sulfur dioxide.

Which gas is produced when burning sulfur?

an alkaline gas is formed

When oxygen is available sulfur dioxide is produced from the burning of sulfur what word equations best represents this reaction?


What emissions and by-products are produced from burning coal?

Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide are by products are produced by burning most fossil fuels, not just coal.