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Temperature changes with an increase or decrease of altitude. This change is known as the "lapse rate" and it varies depending on the amount of moisture in the particular mass of air. The "dry adiabatic lapse rate" (for dry air masses) is a temperature decrease of about 3 degrees C per thousand feet of altitude, while the "wet adiabatic lapse rate" (for moist air masses) is a temperature decrease of about 1.66 degrees C per thousand feet of altitude.

For average conditions, a figure of 3.5 degrees F (2 degrees C) per 1000 feet is commonly used.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

As temperature decreases, air density increases, causing the altitude to also decrease. This relationship means that colder temperatures can make it feel like you are at a higher altitude due to the reduced air density. Conversely, warmer temperatures can make it feel like you are at a lower altitude.

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9y ago
ANSBecause the pressure decreases with altitude, the temperature also decreases. The rate is about -4 degrees F for each 1000 feet of altitude. This holds all the way up to the tropopause. See the link for a more complete explanation. ANSThe further away from the surface of the Earth the farther you are from the main heat source. Heat is reflected from the suns radiation and heats the atmosphere. The further away from the surface the colder the temperature no matter the weather or season.
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12y ago

Temperature does not affect altitude, altitude affects temperature.

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8y ago

Within the troposphere temperature decreases with increasing altitude.

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12y ago

because you get closer to space and in space there is no atmosphere

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10y ago

The higher you go, the colder it gets. For example, it is colder in the mountains than on a plain or by the ocean

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13y ago

Air temperature decreases on increasing altitude.

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13y ago

the higher you go the thiner the air and this makes the temp. go down

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Q: How is the altitude affected by the temperature?
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What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in the exosphere?

In the exosphere, temperature increases with altitude. This is because the particles in the exosphere are far apart, so there is no transfer of heat through conduction or convection. Instead, the few particles present gain energy from solar radiation, causing an increase in temperature as altitude increases.

Does air pressure and temperature change with altitude?

Yes, air pressure decreases with altitude because the atmosphere becomes less dense. In contrast, temperature changes can vary with altitude; typically, temperature decreases with altitude, but there are atmospheric layers where temperature may increase, known as inversions.

Does temperature increase or decrease with altitude in the mesosphere?

Temperature decreases with altitude in the mesosphere due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure with height. This is because the mesosphere is above the stratosphere where the ozone layer absorbs incoming solar radiation, leading to a decrease in temperature as altitude increases.

In the troposphere and mesosphere what happens to temperature as altitude increases?

In the troposphere, temperature typically decreases with increasing altitude due to the adiabatic cooling effect. In the mesosphere, temperature increases with altitude due to absorption of solar radiation by ozone molecules.

How do the 4 main layers of the atmosphere vary?

The four main layers of the atmosphere are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. They vary in temperature, composition, and altitude. The troposphere is where weather occurs and temperature decreases with altitude. The stratosphere has the ozone layer and temperature increases with altitude. The mesosphere is where meteors burn up and temperature decreases with altitude. The thermosphere is where the auroras occur and temperature increases with altitude due to absorption of solar radiation.

Related questions

How is wind affected by altitude?

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How is temperature affected by changes in altitude?

It typically gets colder the higher you go depending on which layer of the atmosphere you are in.

How does altitude relate to temperature?

The higher the altitude the lower the temperature.

What factor that prevents temperature extremes in New Zealand?

it is affected by the latitude and it's altitude

What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in the exosphere?

In the exosphere, temperature increases with altitude. This is because the particles in the exosphere are far apart, so there is no transfer of heat through conduction or convection. Instead, the few particles present gain energy from solar radiation, causing an increase in temperature as altitude increases.

How does altitude affect phase change?

The change in pressure is highly affected by altitude.

WHAT Is the difference between stratosphere and mesosphere?

The stratosphere's temperature increases as altitude increases. The mesosphere's temperature decreases as it's altitude increases. This is helpful

Does air pressure and temperature change with altitude?

Yes, air pressure decreases with altitude because the atmosphere becomes less dense. In contrast, temperature changes can vary with altitude; typically, temperature decreases with altitude, but there are atmospheric layers where temperature may increase, known as inversions.

Air pressure is affected by which three factors?

Air pressure is affected by altitude, temperature, and humidity. As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Temperature also affects air pressure: warm air rises and creates low pressure, while cool air sinks and creates high pressure. Humidity can impact air pressure by making air lighter (lower pressure) when it is humid due to the presence of water vapor.

How are melting and boiling points affected as altitude is increased?

Boiling point decrease at high altitude.

What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in a Noise?

A: There is a direct relationship between altitude and temperature. As altitude increases there is less air available to remove the dissipated heat therefore locally the temperature rises but environment temperature as a whole decreases. I don't see any relationship with any noise with altitude

Is the dry climates most affected by altitude?
