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The levels of Carbon Dioxide and impacts are:

* At continuous 1% concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 (10,000 ppm) some individuals may feel sleepy

* At 2% (20,000 ppm) most people are aware of its presence

* At + 2%, carbon dioxide causes a feeling of heaviness in the chest awith more frequent and deeper breathing. * At 3% CO2 breathing rate doubles from normal

* At 5% CO2 breathing rate is four times normal * At +5% CO2 is directly toxic. ] Symptoms of high or prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide include: * headache

* increased heart rate * visual and hearing problems * dizziness and/or fatigue

* rapid breathing

At very high levels unconsciousness or death can occur within minutes of exposure.

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Q: How large of a percentage of carbon dioxide in the air does it take to cause a person stress?
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Go in peace,The Word of God does not mention Man doing himself in ecologically!, and doesn't that relieve a lot of stress!

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