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Once. They are used until that hurricane is over, and then it is retired

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Q: How long are hurricane names used for?
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How long are hurricane names get used for and does it get used again?

the hurricane name last as long as the hurricane has not killed a lot of people or done a lot of damage no

Do retired hurricane names get used again?


Were hurricane names used more then once?

Yes. Normally a hurricane name can be re-used once every six years.

What happens if you run out of names?

If you mean hurricane names, they use the Greek alphabet if the alloted names for a season are used up.

What do scientists do when they run out of letters of the alphabet in a given year for hurricane names?

If the list of names run out in a hurricane season, then the Greek alphabet is used to name storms. This system was only used once, in the 2005 hurricane season, where Wilma was followed by storms names Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta.

How are hurricame names hurricane names?

Hurricane names are just names... they take a name starting with A then the second B so on so forth. So hurricane names arent special names. they are just regular names

How powerful was hurricane Michael in 1969?

There was no Hurricane Micheal in 1969. Only female names were used at that time. Hurricane Micheal was in 2000. That storm was a category 2 hurricane with 100 mph winds.

Are the 2015 hurricane names chosen and has there been a named storm this year?

Yes. Most of the hurricane names for 2015 were chosen long ago. Each year that has a predetermined naming list that is re-used every six years with the exception of names of especially destructive storms, which are retired and replaced. The naming list for 2015 is the same one that was used in 2009. The list is mostly the same as it was when it was first used in 1985 except for five names that were retired.

What caused Hurricane Andrew to move along the coast?

Hurricane names are named by when the hurricane happens. Andrew was the first storm of the 192 Atlantic hurricane season so it got an "A" name. (i.e. first hurricane of season might get the name Ally and the second Barry and the third Corinne, etc.) The meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center comes up with a list of 21 names for each hurricane season. If a hurricane is really wild, the name will be taken out and replaced by another one beginning with the same letter. Names are used every 6 years (like I said, wild hurricane names are taken out). If the number of hurricanes exceeds 21, then meteorologists will need to use Greek letter names. In 2005, there were so many hurricanes that they ran out of names and used the Greek letter names such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, and Zeta. Hope this helped!! :)

Will there be a hurricane Kelsey?

Not within 2030.The hurricane list if names for 2030 has not been finished and none of the lists from 2012-2030 has a hurricane Kelsey on it.Your welcome, it took me a long time to searxh for your answer

Has there ever or schedualed to be a hurricane named Timothy?

Full proper names are only used...

Are there typhoons in Honduras?

The term hurricane would be used for major storms in Honduras, but a hurricane and a typhoon are just different names for the same thing, used in different parts of the world.