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Not long they were formed at the end of the last ice age by a sudden torrential outpouring of glacial melt water....a few months.

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Q: How long did it take for the scab lands to form?
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How long does it take for a cut to scab over?

A couple hours or more/less.

How long does it take for a scab to form over a cut?

It usually takes a week or two unless you do something about it. Put honey on your scab to let it dry. Then wipe it off about 10 minutes. After that put some toothpaste on it to let it dry. It drys up the skin to help the scab fall off I hope i helped P.s. If this doesnt work, try cetaphil

How long does it take for a facial scab to heal?

it comes off about in 5 days then turns pink. put neosporin on it everyday or Vaseline it may take a few weeks but if you treat it with what i tell you to put on it it will heal 25% faster than an untreated scab. GOOD LUCK!! i have the same problem

How long does it take for a scab to heal?

Around 2 weeks if you treat it with antiseptic, skin healing cream. Savilon? i think you call it that - This works

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Do cuts take longer to heal if you peel the scab?

Yes, peeling off the scab can disrupt the natural healing process, leading to longer healing times and potential scarring. It is best to let the scab fall off on its own to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.

What happens when your scalp bleeds?

The blood will clot and turn into another scab. If you pick this scab, it will bleed again and will take longer to heal and leave a much worse scar.

How does it take for a fracture to heal?

Platelets form a clot on it and forms a scab but if it doesn't work properly it can cause an embolism when the clot moves ad they can't move through blood vessels

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How do you take care of a small cut on a eyelid?

Eyelids are tricky; you can't really bandage them, and even applying an antiseptic would be difficult since you don't want it to get into the eye. Ideally, if there was any bleeding when the cut happened you could form a scab, which is nature's bandage, and then all you have to do it be careful to leave the scab undisturbed, so that healing can take place underneath it, and only remove the scab when it becomes loose. However, if the cut has become infected, then you will have to very carefully apply an antiseptic such as tincture of iodine (which is what I recommend) trying not to get any in the eye.

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