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Q: How many atoms are in aluminum oxide?
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How many aluminum atoms are there in 13.7 g of aluminum oxide Al2O3?

The number of aluminium atoms is 0,4284.10e23.

A compound containing three aluminum atoms and also three times as many chlorine atoms as there are aluminum atoms?

Compound: Aluminum Oxide Formula: AI O 2 3

How many atoms are there in aluminum oxide?

There are 5 atoms in aluminum oxide Al2O3 just add the 2 and the 3!

When aluminum combines with oxygen three oxygen atoms combine with this many aluminum atoms?

There are 13 protons in aluminum and 13 electrons. So, there are 13 atoms in aluminum. In oxygen, there are 8 protons and 8 electrons. thus there are 8 atoms. EDIT: This answer is absolutely and completely incorrect. (Dr.J.)

Is aluminum made of molecules or atoms?

both, on the outside it's aluminum oxide but the inside is just aluminum

How many atoms are in 3Al2O3?

15 atoms.

How many atoms in a mole of aluminum III oxide?

Aluminium Oxide(Al2O3) has 2 moles of aluminum and 3 moles of oxygen. The total is 5 moles. One mole is 6.022 x 1023 atoms. Therefore, 5 moles = 30.110 x 1023 atoms

How many atoms does a molecule of aluminum oxide contains?

The formula unit for aluminum oxide is usually considered to be Al2O3 (even though the bonding may vary in different allotropes). Using this formula unit, each one contains 5 total atoms, found by adding all the subscripts in the formula.

What is name of the compound Al2O3?

Al is the symbol for Aluminum and O is the symbol for oxygen. When oxygen is paired in a compound, it is changed to oxide. The name then is aluminum oxide.

Why does oxygen have a subscript of 3 in aluminum oxide?

Aluminum loses three electrons to have a full valence shell. Oxygen gains two electrons to have a full valence shell. Aluminum Oxide is shown as Al2O3 because there are three oxygen atoms with a total of 6 gained electrons. Two Aluminum atoms lose 6 electrons and three Oxygen atoms gain six. This is the balance between aluminum and oxygen.

Does al203 contain more than two atoms?

Yes. It contains two atoms of the element aluminum (Al(2)), and three atoms of the element oxygen (O(3)), to form the compound aluminum oxide.

Is aluminum oxide metallic?

No, aluminum oxide is not metallic. But aluminum is.