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ten as each hydrogen molecules contains two atoms.

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Q: How many atoms are in five molecules of hydrogen?
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How many H-atoms are present in 5 molecules of propane?

Five molecules of propane have 40 hydrogen atoms.

How many hydrogen atoms are needed to form five water molecules?

Chemical formula for water is H2O. One water molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms. That means 10 hydrogen atoms are needed to form five water molecules.The ration between hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule is 2:1. In five water molecules, there are five oxygen atoms. According the ratio, there are 10 hydrogen atoms.

How many atom are present in this formula 5H2?

Five molecules of hydrogen have 10 atoms.

How many molecules of hydrogen in water?

There are two atoms of hydrogen in a water molecule, but no hydrogen molecules.

How many hydrogen atoms are in 5 molecules of h2o?

it would be 5, there are two oxygen and one hydrogen in one molecule so times five would be well.. five!

How many molecules contains 0.5L of c2h6o and how many hydrogen atoms?

The answer is 51,568.10 ex.23 molecules and 309,408.10 ex. 23 hydrogen atoms.

How many atoms of hydrogen are in one molecule of ammonum hydroxide?

Ammonium hydroxide does not technically exist as molecules, but its formula unit is NH4OH, which has five atoms of hydrogen in each formula unit.

How many atoms of hydrogen are there in the mole of H2O molecules?

There are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen.

How many atoms of hydrogen are in two molecules of benzene?

Two atoms.

How many hydrogen atoms in Ammonium Hydroxide?

Five(5) hydrogen atoms

How many hydrogen atoms are found in 5 molecules of H2O?

it would be 5, there are two oxygen and one hydrogen in one molecule so times five would be well.. five!

How many molecules are present in a molecule of hydrogen?

there are 2 atoms of hydrogen in water