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That's a tough question, but I might be able to give you an idea of how many there actually are... Human DNA is divided into 23 paired chromosomes, 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. There are about 3 Billion nucleotide pairs packed away in there, most of it inactive at any one point in time. It's believed that much of the DNA is inactive, meaning that it is not currently expressed, and therefore not responsible for creating proteins. However, the inactive DNA could be responsible for early fetal development; we aren't entirely sure what all of the DNA does, although all of it has been mapped out... Now back to the initial question. A molecule is defined as 2 or more atoms connected by chemical bonds. Each DNA strand is comprised of two Phosphate Deoxyribose backbones, held together by nucleotides (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine), bound by Hydrogen bonds. So technically, every DNA segment that's connected is one molecule...therefore, there are 46 molecules of DNA in each human cell. But, if what you were asking how many molecules are assembled for the DNA in each cell, I'd bet 4 per each nucleotide, 1 for each side of the backbone, and 1 for each nucleotide pair. That's about 12 Billion molecules, but they are joined by chemical bonds, and therefore are not individual molecules anymore once assembled.

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9y ago
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9y ago

A single unit of DNA is called a nucleotide.
A nucleotide is made up of a pentose sugar called deoxy ribose, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.

Each molecule of deoxyribose has 5 carbon atoms + 10 hydrogen atoms + 4 oxygen atoms
= 19 atoms

There are four kinds of nitrogenous bases in DNA:
Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
Adenine has 8 atoms in it
Guanine has 16 atoms
Thymine has 6 atoms
Cytosine has 7 atoms

Phosphate group has about 4 atoms.

So the total value is about 29-39 atoms.

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1mo ago

A human DNA molecule consists of about 6 billion atoms. These atoms are arranged in a specific sequence that encodes genetic information.

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9y ago

DNA only has 5 different atoms - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous.

According to one estimation, there are about 204 billion atoms in each DNA .

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14y ago

It depends on the species but humans have 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes (DNA molecules) total.

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11y ago

Trillions of cells in the human body but it may not true because cell can die every time

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13y ago

there is a DNA strand in every cell within your body, i.e., millions

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9y ago

A chromosome is one massive strand of DNA, technically it would be one continuous molecule.

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15y ago

23,299 genes contained in 23 base pairs.

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