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The total number of electrons in Phosphorus (P) is 15 (its atomic number). The first energy level contains 2, the second energy level contains 8, and the third energy level contains 5.

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Q: How many electrons does phosphorus have in its outermost principal energy level?
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Phosphorus has five electrons in its outermost energy level (valence electrons).

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Electrons in the outermost principal energy level are called valence electrons.

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Transition elements can form bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to the outermost principal energy levels.

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Phosphorus forms P3- ion and it has 8 valence electrons (5 valence electrons from phosphorus and three from the charge).

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The chloride ion (Cl-) has 8 electrons on the outermost energy level.

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A neutral atom with an atomic number of 15 will have electrons in its outermost energy level?

The element is phosphorus and it contains 5 valence electrons.

What is the valence electrons configuration for the phosphorus atom?

The valence electrons are the outermost (highest energy) s and p sublevels. There are 5 valence electrons in a phosphorus atom, and it is in period 3, so its valence electron configuration is 3s23p3.

What is the word for the definition electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom?

valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level

Compare the outermost electrons of an atom with the inner electrons of an atom in terms of energy.?

Outermost have more energy than innermost. As electrons move inward, they release energy.

What are electrons in the outermost energy shellcof an atom called?

Electrons in the outermost energy shell of an atom are called valence electrons.

What are seven electrons in the outermost energy level?

Halogens have six valence electrons in the outermost energy level.