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Q: How many major formation systems have scientists identified?
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How many major mineral formation systems are there?

between 6-8

Major steps of the formation of earth?

You should know this, and wiki.answers, is not a reliable source. Because they get retards like me to write the answer.

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It is a system for monitoring computer systems, look for infrastructural flaws so that they can be identified and fixed before they cause major problems.

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Ozone depletion is addressed as the formation of holes in the ozone. It causes increase in the temperature.

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The formation of a human embryo is complete by the end of the eighth week of pregnancy. At this stage, all major organs and systems have formed, and the embryo is then referred to as a fetus.

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Capitalism, socialism, and communism are major economic systems.

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no but there are 5 major river systems

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The major manufacturing functions can be identified as:Sales/MarketingAccounting/FinanceOperationsEngineering

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Both were formed in response to a major war.

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