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Q: How many number of free electrons per cubic cm of intrinsic silicon at room temperature?
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What happens to the number of free electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor when the temperature decreases?


Why does an extrinsic semiconductor behave like an intrinsic semiconductor at high temperature?

With the increase in temperature, the concentration of minority carriers starts increasing. Eventually, a temperature is reached called the critical temperature (85° C in case of germanium and 200° C in case of silicon) when the number of covalent bonds that are broken is very large and the number of holes is approximately equal to number of electrons. The extrinsic semiconductor now behaves essentially like an intrinsic semi-conductor.

Explain what will happen to the conductivity if the intrinsic sample of Silicon is heated?

The conductivity of silicon increases. Explanation: Silicon belongs to fourth group and whose atomic number is 14. There will be 14 protons in the nucleus and 14 electrons around the nucleus making the atom neutral. In K shell two electrons would occupy and in L shell 8 electrons would be seated. The remaining four electrons known to be free electrons would be responsible for the valence electrons. Hence the valency of silicon is 4. With this situation, each silicon atom along with four neighbouring silicon atoms would form a covalent bond. Thus the four electrons too get locked within the bonds. Hence at low temperatures the silicon material will be a poor conductor so to say an insulator. If we increase its temperature then the thermal energy would disturb such bonds and electron could be made free to move. So the conductivity increases a little bit as the temperature gets increased.

What does the atomic number of silicon tell you about number of protons neutrons and electrons?

The atomic number of silicon is 14. This means that a silicon atom has 14 protons in its nucleus, and a neutral silicon atom has 14 electrons. The number of neutrons depends on the particular isotope.

Which has greater mobility in intrinsic semiconductor Electrons or holes?

The mobility of electrons is always greater than holes. Only the number of electrons and holes would be same in an intrinsic semiconductor.

How man electrons does silicon have?

14 electrons as the atomic number is 14.

How many protons neuton and electrons does silicon have?

Silicon has 14 protons and 14 electrons. The number of neutrons varies depending on the isotope of Silicon, but on average, Silicon has 14 neutrons.

How many electrons are present in an atom of silicon?

A neutral silicon atom will have 14 electrons, one for each proton in its nucleus. A link follows and can be found below.

Which elements contain the same number of valence electrons as carbons?

silicon (Si). -apex

What is the subatomic particle os a silicon?

Silicon has 14 electrons and protons; the number of neutrons is specific for each isotope. Number of neutrons in a silicon isotope = Mass number - 14

What elements have the same number of valence electrons as carbon?

It is silicon that has the same number of valence electrons as carbon. Silicon sits right below carbon on the periodic table.

The total number of unpaired electrons in silicon Si is?