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Q: How many o atoms are in sodium hypochlorite?
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How many atoms in sodium hypochlorite?

The chemical formula of sodium hypochlorite is NaClO; the contained elements ae Na, Cl, O.

Is sodium hypochlorite binary or poly atomic?

Sodium hypochlorite has the formula NaClO and so is polyatomic. It has 3 different atoms (Na, Cl and O).

How many O atoms are present in sodium chlorite?

There are 2 oxygen atoms in 1 formula unit of sodium chlorite (NaClO2)

How many atoms in molecules of Na2 So4?

Two sodium (Na) atoms One sulphur (S) atom Four oxygen (O) atoms So totally 7 atoms are present in a molecule of sodium sulphate.

How many atoms are in nac2h3o2?

21 atoms

How many symbols do compounds have?

The formulas of compounds contain as many unique symbols as the number of elements they contain. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) has the formula NaClO which means that it contains the three elements sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and oxygen (O).

How many atoms are presented to NaOH?

There are 3 atoms present: 1 sodium (Na), 1 oxygen (O), and 1 hydrogen (H).

What is the elements and atoms in NaNO2?

In NaNO2, the elements present are sodium (Na), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O). The atoms in NaNO2 are one sodium atom, one nitrogen atom, and two oxygen atoms.

How many atoms are in a molecule of borax Na2B4O7-10H2O?

There are 432 Na4 B17 O (7 in the Na2B4O7 and 10 in the hydrating H2O)20 H (in the hydrating H2O)

How many atoms does Na Oh?

One molecule is composed of three atoms Sodium atom (Na), Oxygen atom (O), and Hydrogen atom (H).

How many atoms are there in Na Oh have?

One molecule is composed of three atoms Sodium atom (Na), Oxygen atom (O), and Hydrogen atom (H).

How many atoms does a molecule of sodium chloride contain?

There are 2 atoms (1 sodium, 1 chlorine) in each formula unit of sodium chloride.