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Depending on how strong the magnet is the amount of paper clips it can pick up will vary.

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No, but in fact, the magnet will attract most paper clips.

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Q: How many paperclips can a bar magnet pick up?
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If an electromagnet were used instead of a bar magnet to pick up nails the electromagnet would do what?

It will pick up the nails the same way a bar magnet would do!

How is an electromagnet similar to a magnet?

The reason is because an electromagnet is hooked up to an artificial energy force, while a magnet is a charged piece of metal example: a battery hooked up to a piece of iron attracts paperclips but a magnet can be made by stroking a paperclip against a bar magnet to create a temporary magnet somewhat how a compass works

Of a ferromagnet an electromagnet a temporary magnet or a permanent magnet which is easy to create but loses its magnetism easily?

The temporary magnet becomes a magnet in a strong magnetic field, but its magnetic properties will disappear when that field is taken away. The ferromagnet and the permanent magnet are essentially the same thing. The electromagnet isn't that easy to make compared to the temporary magnet. Let's conduct an esperiment. If we take a bar magnet and pick up a paperclip with it, we can use the paperclip on the end of the magnet to pick up another paperclip. The second paperclip we are picking up only needs to touch the first paperclip; it does not have to touch the magnet itself. When the magnet is taken away, the paperclips no longer exhibit magnetic properties. They were acting as temporary magnets, and the simple and easy removal of the magnet cause them to lose their magnetism.

What force operates when you use a bar magnet to pick up a paper clip?

Magnetic Force

What are the benefits of using an electromagnet rather than a bar manet?

An electro-magnet can be switched on & off - a bar magnet is 'permanent' Think of a scrap-yard. If the magnet they use to pick up huge quantities of metal were permanent, they'd have to manually remove every piece. With an electro-magnet, they simply turn the power on to pick up a load, and off when they want to release it. You can make your own electro-magnet with a battery, some wire and a large nail.

Is a bar magnet magnetic?

A bar magnet is a magnet of rectangular shape with a north and and south end, which are sometimes coloured different colours to indicate which end is which.

Is there a scale for magnet strength?

They are bar magnet ,horse shoe magnet ,lime stone magnet.

Is bar magnet a natural magnet?


What happens to the bar magnet as it nears the U magnet the bar magnet will?

Move towards the U magnet so that the poles attach.

The use of bar magnet in chemistry?

The magnet bar is used for stirring solutions.

How is an electromagnet different a bar magnet?

a electromagnet is bigger than a bar magnet

Is a magnet?

Yes, a bar magnet is magnetic.