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Q: How many potassium ions are needed to balance the charge of one sufide ion?
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How many atoms are in calcium sufide?

Calcium sulfide (CaS) has two atoms.

Difference between ammonium sufide and sulfite?

* ammonium sulphide: (NH4)2S ammonium sulphite: (NH4)2SO3

What is the reaction of dilute nitric acid and sodium sufide?

it will produce gaseous hydrogen sulfide and a sodium nitrate in a solution. see below Na2S(aq) + 2HNO3(aq) --> H2S(g) + 2NaNO3(aq)

What did the Egyptians use for makeup?

the egyptians used kohl which is galena mixed with soot. Galena is lead sufide. They also used malachite which is a copper ore, a carbonate mineral (it has a vibrant green colour). Malachite was imported from the sinai desert.

Is sulfide an element or a compound?

A sufide is an anion form of the element sulfur. It can form compounds if it combines with other elements. Sulfide on it's own is not a compound, you need a prefix to that like Hydrogen Sulphide. Do not get this mixed up with a sulfate; you can get copper sulphate but not copper sulfide.

What type of ions have name ending in -ide?

Those ions areall anions,negatively charged (mainly) -1, -2 or -3,consisting of one nonmetal element (mainly group 17, 16 or 15 respectively) andnot containg oxygen.Examples:17: F- , Cl- , Br- , I- (fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide)16: O2-(oxide), S2-(sulfide)15: N3- (nitride), P3- (phosphide)

How many electrons must be gained or lost for each of the following to achieve a noble gas electron configuration Lithium atom Bromine atom Barium ion Helium atom?

sodium must lose 1 electron, helium is a noble gas it is in group 8 check your periodic table, sufide ion must gain 2 electrons

How many electrons does sulfide ion have?

A Sulfide ion has a full complement of 8 valence electrons. Sulfur is element 16. It has 6 valence electrons in its outer energy level, however, sufide is S2- so it has gained 2 electrons to fill its outer energy level.