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None. Hydrogen is an element. It contains only hydrogen atoms.

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Q: How many sodium atoms are in hydrogen?
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How many atoms atoms does sodium hydroxide have?

Sodium hydroxide is NaOH and contains three atoms, one each of sodium, hydrogen and oxygen.

How many hydrogen atoms are in salt?

Common table salt is Sodium Chloride ( NaCl ) and has no hydrogen atoms.

How many atoms are in NaHSO4?

NaHSO4 is a compound known as sodium hydrogen sulfate or sodium bisulfate. It has one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one sulfur atom and four oxygen atoms for a total of seven atoms.

How many hydrogen atoms are in one molecule of sodium hydrogen?

There is no chemical called sodium hydrogen. You may be thinking of sodium hydroxide, NaOH. It contains one atom of hydrogen per molecule.

How many atoms are in sodium acetate?

Sodium acetate has a total of 8 atoms Sodium=1 Carbon=2 Hydrogen=3 Oxygen=2 The formula is NaCH3COO

How many atoms are present in sodium bicarbonate?

One molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) contains one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms.... this is a total of 6 atoms per sodium bicarbonate molecule.

How many atoms are in nac2h3o2?

21 atoms

How many hydrogen atoms make up the same mass as one sodium atom?


How many atoms does NaC2H3O2 have?

One sodium, two carbon, three hydrogen, and two oxygen equals eight atoms total.

How many atoms are presented to NaOH?

There are 3 atoms present: 1 sodium (Na), 1 oxygen (O), and 1 hydrogen (H).

How many atoms are there in compound NaOH?

Sodium (Na), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H).

How many atoms are in each of the chemical formulas NaCLC6H12ONaCO3C3H8O?

Two atoms of Sodium One atom of Chlorine 10 Atoms of Carbon 20 Atoms of Hydrogen 5 Atoms of Oxygen Is that what you were looking for?