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Several thousand thunderstorms occur daily on Earth. Most occur during daytime heating, and others along weather fronts and around tropical air masses.

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Q: How many thunderstorms occur every day?
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Related questions

What region on earth has thunderstorms every day?

Well, no where on Earth has thunderstorms every day but the most place where they have thunderstorms are in Hawaii.

How many each day?

Every day over 40000 thunderstorms form on this earth

How many thunderstorms rage across the US every day?

about 10,000

What happens with altocumulus clouds?

Thunderstorms will most likely come later in the day

Precipitation that falls near the equator is most likely to?

Since the air near the equator is hot and moist, it is most likely to produce thunderstorms. Did you know that 30,000+ thunderstorms occur enar the equator every day?

Where are the top 10 wettest countries worldwide?

I think that in the rainy season, Indonesia tops every other. Rain happens almost every day, and mostly Thunderstorms occur. The Phillipeans are rainy in the rainy season as well

Is it true every day up to 50000 thunderstorms rage across the US?

No. This is closer to the number of thunderstorms that hit the U.S. in a year.

Why do the majority of tornadoes occur during the day?

During the day the sun heats the ground, which in turn heats the lower atmosphere, this destabilizes the atmosphere, which can lead to thunderstorms. Such storms are needed to produce tornadoes. Atmospheric instability can occur at any time of day or night, but tends to be greatest during the day due to the heat of the sun. The greater the instability the stronger the thunderstorms are, and the stronger the thunderstorms the more likely they are to produce tornadoes.

How many deaths occur in a day?

People die every 6 seconds ------ People are born every 4 seconds.

When do hurricanes occur in Hawaii?

every day

Do thunderstorms happen more often in the evening or morning?

Yes, they can occur at night and are more dangerous then because they are difficult to see.

Why do tornadoes occur late in the day?

Tornadoes can occur at any time of day but are most common in the late afternoon because that is when the lower atmosphere is generally warmest and thus when the atmosphere is most unstable. An unstable atmosphere is needed for thunderstorms and strong thunderstorms are needed for tornadoes. The greater the instability the stronger the thunderstorms can become.