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project is suposed to be prodict and it might just help to show that that is what could happen to us

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Q: How might comparing Earth going through global warming to Mars or Venus help project what might happen to the Earth?
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What is a very good topic for your physics investigatory project? warming investigatory project

What are some examples of investigatory projects for global warming?

The Changes in climate of a certain area is an example of an investigatory project for global warming. Irregular climate and weather patterns is another example of the investigatory projects for global warming.

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global warming

What everyday things negatively affect global warming?

Comparing "everyday things" to Industry, they have an Utterly Insignificant Effect.

How old is global warming?

The theory of global warming became popular in the early 70's. As for how old actual global warming is, is debatable. Some argue that global warming is a natural cycle the earth goes through every so many centuries.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

What is the gradual increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere?

Global warming is the name given to the recent (over 200 years) gradual increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere.

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

Global warming and climate change did you start it?

It is a valid theory that humans started global warming through the expansion of concrete surfaces, cutting down of forests, eradication of wetlands, the use of fossil fuels, and automobiles which pump out global warming gases have all contributed to global warming and climate change.

Can you give me a sample investigatory project about global warming?

1+1=2 solid,liquid,gas

Does nonpolluting energy reduce global warming?

No, it just prevents an increase. Reduction of global warming has to be done through carbon sequestration, natural or man-made.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.