

Best Answer
  1. Warmer oceans will mean stronger hurricanes and tornadoes. Damage to countries and cities.
  2. The atmosphere will get warmer. Thawing of the permafrost in the sub-arctic regions will release huge amounts of carbon dioxide and methane gas, which is a 20 times more dangerous greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
  3. Droughts and heat waves will be common and water will become in very short supply. There may be wars fought over water, as large rivers flow through several countries.
  4. The developed food supplies of countries will be wiped out, as the land becomes too dry for the crops. Cattle and sheep won't have pasture to survive. The price of food will go up and many people won't be able to live.
  5. Economic cost of treating diseases, rebuilding cities after hurricanes, providing water for drinking and sewage disposal will do a lot of damage to the world's economies.
  6. Polar icecaps melting bring four problems:
  • Sea levels will rise from land-based ice melting (sea ice is already in the water so it won't raise the sea level if it melts). There are over five and a half million cubic miles of ice, glaciers and frozen snow. If this all melted at once, sea levels would rise by 230 feet, swamping many countries. Luckily nobody thinks this will happen all at once.
  • All that ice is fresh water, so if it melts it will desalinate the oceans. This may change the patterns of the ocean currents that will seriously affect the climate.
  • Warmer temperatures in the polar regions will cause serious problems to animal life, which may not be able to adapt to the new conditions.
  • At present the ice caps form an enormous white surface which reflects a lot of heat back away from the land. If the ice goes, then the dark land below will absorb heat more easily, speeding up the global warming process.

Major physical processes and events have been happening to the Earth throughout its long history and will keep on happening.

Some physical processes are continuous, taking place over a very long periods of time. Other physical processes take very little time by comparison: we humans have chosen to call some of those "catastrophic events" because they seem to have taken place with hardly any warning.

For the past 4,000 million years the outer crust of the Earth has been changing. Its tectonic plates, continually move around forming continents which then break up and re-form in other configurations. The friction caused by the sliding and subduction of the edges of plates against one another causes mountain chains to be thrown up and fiery volcanoes to spew out new soil and smokey, noxious gases which pollute the atmosphere.

65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out by a major event. It was probably a huge meteorite from outer space which suddenly hit the Earth. The resulting air pollution caused thousands of years of continuing global darkness and bitter cold because heat and light from our Sun could not reach the surface until the pollution was eventually absorbed by the Earth.

An ice sheet on Antarctica began to grow some 20 million years ago. The current ice age, the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation, started about 2.58 million years ago during the late Pliocene when the spread of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere began. Since then, the world has seen cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000- and 100,000-year time scales called glacials (glacial advance) and interglacials (glacial retreat).

The Earth is currently in an interglacial, and the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago. All that remains of the continental ice sheets are the Greenland ice sheet, the Antarctic ice sheet and smaller glaciers such as on Baffin Island. It is likely that people lived in the temperate zones of the Earth before that last glacial period began, along with other animals and plants. After the maximum had occurred and the glaciers receded, modern humans were able to migrate from a belt of land around the Earth's Equator towards its poles.

Ø The fuel we burn, especially oil and coal, contributes to climate change, which has the potential to destroy our way of life.

Ø Global warming can be the cause of hurricanes, and droughts.

Ø More frequent and powerful cyclones and hurricanes, more frequent and intense floods and droughts are clear indications that climate change has already begun.

Ø global warming is also responsible for causing global glacier decline, sea level rise, scarcity of freshwater resources.

Ø Extreme weathers and weather related events such as flooding, drought, wild fires, heat waves, and tropical cyclones are expected to occur even more frequently and to become even more intense

Ø Extreme and rapid changes in temperature would affect the length of various seasons

Ø The fuel we burn, especially oil and coal, contributes to climate change, which has the potential to destroy our way of life.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Global warming can lead to changes in weather patterns by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like hurricanes, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall. It can also alter precipitation patterns, leading to more frequent droughts in some regions and increased flooding in others. Overall, global warming can make weather patterns more unpredictable and severe.

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12y ago

Weather means day to day weather, but weather patterns is talking more about climate.

Scientists suggest that global warming will mean that weather "events" (storms, hurricanes, blizzards, floods etc) will happen more often and will be more severe.

It is hard to pin global warming as the cause of any particular storm, so we need time to look at events over a number of years before we can be sure. However, worldwide insurance companies claim 2011 as a record year for disasters, even when the Japanese tsunami, the New Zealand earthquake and other geophysical events were removed.

Munich Re Insurance reports (see the link below) that the insured losses from thunderstorms and tornadoes in the US were, in 2011 dollars:

  • 1980: $US 2.5 billion
  • 1990: $US 4 billion
  • 2000: $US 4.2 billion
  • 2008: $US 10.8 billion
  • 2009: $US 9.9 billion
  • 2010: $US 10.9 billion
  • 2011: $US 25 billion
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11y ago

i really dont know wat it is but my friend said it affects rain n clouds n definatlly climate

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15y ago

Climate and weather does not affect global warming. The other way round is true, global warming will affect the climate.

See the related question below.

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12y ago

it makes it nice and sunny

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11y ago

i eat peanut butter

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Q: How might global warming affect the weather?
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How might global warming lead to the disruption of the gulf stream?

Global warming can cause ice melt in the Arctic, leading to a influx of cold water into the North Atlantic. This influx of cold water can disrupt the Gulf Stream by weakening its flow, which could have major impacts on global weather patterns and ecosystems.

How does global warming affect rainfall pattern globally?

Global warming can alter rainfall patterns by affecting atmospheric circulation and increasing evaporation rates. This can lead to changes in precipitation intensity, frequency, and distribution globally, resulting in more intense rainfall in some areas and decreased rainfall in others. These changes can also contribute to extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms.

How might global warming affect the clouds?

Global warming can affect the distribution, structure, and composition of clouds. As temperatures rise, more water evaporates into the atmosphere, potentially leading to changes in cloud cover and patterns. The type of clouds that form may also be influenced, impacting weather systems and precipitation patterns.

Is greenhouse effect is the other name of global warming?

No, the greenhouse effect and global warming are related but not the same. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, while global warming refers to the increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities like burning fossil fuels, which enhance the greenhouse effect.

What effects has global warming had on the continents and oceans?

Global warming has caused rising sea levels, leading to coastal erosion and flooding in many regions. It has also contributed to more frequent and severe extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves. Additionally, warming temperatures have had impacts on ecosystems, leading to shifts in wildlife habitats and biodiversity loss.

Related questions

Could tornadoes cause global warming?

No. While global warming might affect tornado activity, tornadoes themselves are an end product of weather and climatic activity, not a cause.

Where might the north and south pole relocate if global warming escalates?

Global warming would have no affect on the location of the poles.

How might changes in solar energy affect earth's climate?

global warming

Does the country being hot have anything to do with global warming?

The country being hot today is weather, not climate. It might have something to do with global warming, but it might not. However, if the weather is always getting hotter, after some years this becomes the climate of a place.

What are three global warming might affect the water cycle?

Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

What are three ways global warming might affect the water?

Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

What are three ways global warming might affect the cycle?

Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

How might global warming affect us in 30 years?

In 30 years, global warming may affect is by changing our climate. This will change many things, such as vegetation and energy. It may also increase skin cancer.

How might global warming affect the continents in the distant future?

Global warming may cause the ocean to rise. If the ocean rises, then many places that are below sea level will flood.

Where might global warming head to next?

Global warming will head to Antarctica (south pole

How will global warming affect Breckinridge County in the next decade?

It's not possible to say accurately what will happen to Breckinridge County in the future. Climate changes over the next decade might be hard to attribute to global warming. Ten years is a short time in climatic terms. Global warming is happening all over the world. Some places will be drier than before. Other places will be wetter than before. Warming causes weather, so more warming is certainly going to affect the weather. Low lying countries and coastlines and cities will be in danger from rising sea levels. Warming oceans expand, and this is causing the rise firstly. Melting glaciers and ice caps are a secondary reason. Places too cold for agriculture may be able to be farmed, but much of the present croplands may have to adapt or be abandoned if global warming continues.

What effect does global warming have on the bioshere?

The effects on global warming on the bioshere are snow everywhere and cold days... we might even freeze to death... global warming is so COLD.