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Q: How much atmosphere does Earth have?
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What is the atmosphere of the earth like?

There is not much atmosphere on earth

Is the martian atmosphere much thinner than earth's atmosphere?


Is Venus atmosphere thicker or thinner than earth's?

Venus' atmosphere is much thicker than Earth's

How does the atmosphere on Mars differ from the atmosphere on Earth?

The atmosphere of Mars is much less dense than that of Earth and is composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide. Earth's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen.

How much of the earth atmosphere is nitrogen?


Why does the Earth have an atmosphere?

Yes, the earth does have an atmosphere. Part of it is the air you breathe.

How much of the earth's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen?

78% of earth's atomospere is made up of water

How much argon is present in the earth's atmosphere?

At about 1% of Earth's atmosphere, argon is the 3rd-most plentiful of the atmosphere's elements.

What fraction of the earths atmosphere is carbon mioxide?

Earth's atmosphere is about 0.035% CO2. Since the atmosphere is just a thin layer of gas surrounding the earth, CO2 is a much, much smaller fraction of the earth itself.

Do Mars and earth have similar atmosphere?

No. Earth's atmosphere is made mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner ans is made mostly of carbon dioxide.

Is Venus' atmosphere heavy?

I'm not sure what a "heavy" atmosphere is but Venus' atmosphere is denser than Earth's and the atmospheric pressure at the surface is much greater than Earth's

How do you changes to earth effect the atmosphere?

too much global warming can make holes in the atmosphere