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hurricanes produce at least 300-600 mm of rain.

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Q: How much rain does a hurricane produce?
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Related questions

Why did hurricane sandy produce so much rain?

All hurricanes produce large amounts of rain. It is a result of the huge amount of moisture a hurricane carries.

Does the hurricane cause the rain?

Yes. Hurricanes produce very heavy rain.

Can a hurricane cause rain?

Yes. Hurricanes produce huge amounts of rain.

How much rain can a hurricane bring?

about 80 cm of rain falls down from a hurricane

Is precipition in a hurricane?

Yes. Hurricanes produce very heavy rain.

Does a hurricane or a cyclone produce more rain?

A hurricane is a kind of cyclone, specifically an intense tropical cyclone. Generally speaking, a hurricane produces more rain than other types of cyclone.

Do a tornado only cause rain or does a hurricane cause rain?

Tornadoes are accompanied by rain, but they do not produce it themselves. Rather, the rain is a product of the thunderstorm that spawned the tornado. Hurricanes produce very heavy rain.

When does a hurricane pick up salt water and rain it on land?

No. Rain in a hurricane is fresh water just like it is in other storms.

Is there precipitation in both a hurricane and tornado?

Hurricanes produce very heavy rain. Heavy rain and hail often accompany tornadoes, but the tornado itself does not produce precipitation.

How much rain does a typical hurricane bring?

Hurricane that often attack countries are Typical hurricane. They can bring more than 60 degree swath rain. As it will be horrible winds the rain drifts off in the winds.

When does rain or hurricane season start in USA?

US hurricane and rain season usually is between June and August. So pretty much in the summer.

How much rain can fall from a hurricane in a day?

13 inches