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Q: How quickly will an electronic thermometer measure body temperature?
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Why does a mercury-in-glass laboratory thermometer have a narrow capillary bore?

To increase the sensitivity of the thermometer, that is, for the thermometer to respond quickly to small changes in temperature.

What happened when thermometer dipped in hot water?

When a thermometer is quickly dipped in hot water, it won't do anything. If you leave the thermometer in the hot water, the temperature shown will read higher. The temperature shown will not exceed the temperature of the water.

What is the difference of a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer?

I'm glad you asked me about the difference between a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer. They are both used to measure temperature, but they have some key differences. Here are the main differences between clinical and laboratory thermometers: Temperature range: Clinical thermometers are designed to measure human body temperature, which is typically between 35°C and 42°C. Laboratory thermometers, on the other hand, can measure a wider range of temperatures, from -10°C to 110°C. Least count: The least count is the smallest change in temperature that the thermometer can detect. Clinical thermometers typically have a least count of 0.1°C, while laboratory thermometers can have a least count of 0.01°C or even smaller. Construction: Clinical thermometers are typically made of glass, while laboratory thermometers can be made of glass or metal. Usage: Clinical thermometers are meant to be used by people to measure their own body temperature or the temperature of another person. Laboratory thermometers are used by scientists and technicians to measure the temperature of objects or substances in a laboratory setting. Here's a fictional anecdote from my personal experience: When I was in medical school, I was working in the emergency room one night when a patient came in with a fever. I took her temperature with a clinical thermometer and it was 40°C. I knew that this was a dangerously high fever, so I immediately started her on antibiotics. The next day, her fever had gone down and she was feeling much better. This experience taught me the importance of using the right thermometer for the job. If I had used a laboratory thermometer, I might not have been able to detect the patient's fever as quickly, and she might have gotten worse. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

What to use to test hot water?

It depends on how hot I want it to be. If I want regular out-of-the-tap hot water, I stick my finger in it quickly and then shout and wave my hand about when it's actually hot. If I need boiling water to be a certain temperature, I measure the temperature with a candying thermometer.

What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer?

Shielding a thermometer may have some disadvantages, including: Inaccurate readings: If the thermometer is shielded improperly, it may affect the temperature readings by blocking heat or cooling that should be reaching the thermometer. Slow response time: If the thermometer is shielded too much, it may not be able to respond to temperature changes quickly, which can lead to inaccurate readings or delayed readings. Uneven temperature distribution: If the thermometer is shielded, it may not be able to measure the temperature of the surrounding environment accurately, which can lead to uneven temperature distribution. Difficulty in calibration: Shielding the thermometer can make it difficult to calibrate and maintain, which can affect its accuracy over time. Increased cost: Adding a shield to a thermometer may increase the cost of the device and add complexity to its design, which can make it more expensive to produce and maintain. In summary, while shielding a thermometer may be useful in certain circumstances, it can also have some drawbacks that may affect the accuracy and reliability of temperature readings. It is important to consider the specific application and environment before deciding whether to shield a thermometer or not.

Are alcohol thermometers better than mercury thermometers?

They both have advantages and disadvantages: A mercury-in-glass thermometer can measure high temperature (up to 357 0C, the boiling point of mercury; and its freezing point is -39 0C). An alcohol-in-glass thermometer can measure low temperature (down to -115 0C, the freezing point of alcohol; and its boiling point is 78 0C.) A mercury-in-glass thermometer can quickly response to temperature, while an alcohol-in-glass thermometer can only slowly response to temperature. However, mercury is poisonous and alcohol is NOT poisonous. Also mercury thermometers are not allowed on aircraft.

Why is lab thermometer can't be used as clinical and vice - varsa?

A clinical thermometer typically shows a maximum reading while a lab thermometer typically shows the temperature right now. When you take a thermometer out of a patients mouth (or other place that you are measuring the temperature) you most often want the maximum temperature to keep showing until you reset the instrument. When using a lab oratory thermometer you want the instrument to react as quickly as possible so that changes (up and down) can be noticed and recorded.

Why is the clinical thermometer shorter than the laboratry thermometer?

becouse the clinical themometer s showing the aswr quickly

Who made the first mercury thermometer?

Galileo invented an air thermometer in about 1600, but changes in atmospheric pressure made accurate measurement difficult. Liquids were quickly used instead and Gabriel Fahrenheit was the first to use alcohol (1709) and mercury (1714), in a thermometer.

How do you use thermal energy and thermometer in the same sentence?

The thermal energy output of the new engine was inefficient, as the thermometer quickly demonstrated.

What determines the speed of the atoms and molecules of a substace?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of an object. This is proportional to how quickly the particles move.

How you measure the temperature of mosquitoes?

Put it in a vacuum chamber so that it doesn't loose heat that quickly to the environment and prick it with a needle thermometre.