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the answer is local temp. and local weather conditions

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Q: Identify two factors that create local wind patterns?
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Two factors that form local wind patterns?

local temperature and local weather conditions

What are the Local And Foreign Literature Of Spending Habits?

Local literature on spending habits could include research studies done within the country on consumer behavior, while foreign literature could encompass studies and reports from other countries regarding spending patterns and trends. Both types of literature may provide insights into factors influencing spending habits, such as cultural influences, economic conditions, or psychological factors. By exploring a combination of local and foreign literature, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of spending habits and potentially identify universal or culture-specific patterns.

What factors contribute to global winds and identify weak areas?

The factors that influence wind are pressure gradient, Rossby waves and jet streams, and local weather conditions.

What affects local wind patterns?

Many things effect local wind patterns. The local temperature and how it varies also effect the winds. Temperature variations also affect the local wind patterns.

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The patterns of states and local regulation in the private security industry are: 1. County Business Patterns. 2. crime patterns. 3. Blast patterns. 4. Patterns of gang activity

What are local wind patterns affected by?

Local winds are affected by local geographic features!

Name local wind patterns?

A sea breeze and a land breeze.

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How do you create a local mount point in Linux?

All you need is to create an empty directory. That is your local mount point.

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How do global factors influence local weather conditions?

Four global patterns that influence local weather are as follows: wind patterns, elevation or altitude, topography, and the locations latitude. Climate is also a main factor.

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it gives states power to create local governments