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When identifying minerals, having no streak is a property of hardness. A streak plate has a hardness of ~7(Moh's Scale). Thus any mineral having a hardness greater than 7 will have no streak.

Metallic is the description of luster. Or the general appearance of a mineral surface in reflected light.

If you were refering to the mineral having metal elements in it, streak is actually very useful for identifying them. Many minerals that are composed of non-metals have a white streak which can appear to be no streak, however there are also many minerals with no streak which are composed of non-metallic minerals (Diamond).

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Q: If a mineral has no streak is it metallic?
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Magnetite can be black and it has a black streak. It is metallic and iron ore

Why Is Streak A Useful Property For Identifying Minerals?

The streak of a mineral is much more accurate in identifying a mineral than color. The streak of a mineral can distinguish minerals with metallic and non-metallic luster. For example, metallic minerals generally have a dark streak whereas non-metallic luster minerals often have a light colored streak.

What test is best used to distinguish a nonmetallic mineral from a metallic mineral?

Streak Test, because nonmetallic minerals typically streak colorless/white, and metallic minerals typically streaks dark/characteristic color.

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You are given a mineral sample that is metallic and leaves a gray streak what mineral is it?

Could be: Chalcocite, Galena, Molybdenite, Stibnite, or Jamesonite.

How are mineral indentify?

Minerals can be identified by such as their color, streak, luster, and their hardness. What does streak, and luster mean?Streak-- Is the color of a mineral's powder for example: talc is a mineral and it is also powder and its streak is white.Luster-- Is the way a mineral reflects light from it's surface for example: glassy, pearly, silky, metallic and earthy can be words to describe luster.

What is the difference between color and streak in minerals?

Color is the observable color of a mineral specimen in natural light. Streak is the color of a mineral when powdered. The color of a specific mineral specimen may be different than its streak color. Because many impurities can alter the color of a mineral, but not the streak, streak is a more accurate predictor in mineral identification.

What is the mineral that leaves a grey streak and is metallic?

Hematite can appear gray in color, but will exhibit a reddish to rust-colored streak.

What mineral has metalic luster silver color black streak and contains iron?

Magnetite.Has metallic luster, silver color, black streak, and contains (Fe) Iron.

Is gold a non metallic mineral resource?

it is a metallic mineral