

Best Answer

If a neutral object loses negative charge, then all we can say is that the object

will be positively charged. We don't know anything about force until we know

how much net positive charge it has, what othercharged object is in the

neighborhood, what the size and sign of thatone's charge is, and the distance

between the two objects.

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Q: If a neutral object loses negative charge what will the net force be?
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Does a neutral object repel a positive object?

No. The actual result is the opposite. If a charged object is brought into the vicinity of a neutral object, normally the two objects attract. The attraction is a consequence of polarization. A neutral object is still composed of many charges associated with the electrons and nuclei of the atoms of the object. If it is a conductor, then electrons will easily move around the conductor in an electric field, but even a nonconductor allows some small movement of the electrons of the atoms. In either case, the movement is such that the electrons in the neutral object tend to shift opposite to the direction of any applied field, i.e. towards a positive charge if a positive object causes the field or away from a negatively charged object. For a neutral object, "polarization" is the charge separation on the object that is caused by the external electric field, for instance a nearby negative object. (Polarization is, by definition, the charge separation induced by an external field and this is a materials property that is different for different materials.) When that charge separation takes place, the electrons (negative) will move somewhat away from a negative object nearby and leave a net positive on the part of the neutral object closest to the negative object. The neutral object has equal amounts of positive and negative charge, but the exposed positive charge is closer to the negative object and thus feels a greater force. There is both an attractive force and a repulsive force acting on different regions of the neutral object, but attraction always is greater because the region experiencing the attraction is closest to the external charge causing the polarization.) In general, a charge (positive or negative), brought near a neutral object will result in polarization of the neutral object and an attractive force between the two object. Polarization forces are larger when the neutral object is a conductor, but for nonconducting materials it is smaller and depends on the type of material.

What is neuton?

It´s the neutral particle in he nucleus. They have mass but no charge.

Does a negative charge repel a uncharged object?

-- They can if the gravitational force of attraction is greater than the electrostatic force of repulsion between them. -- They also can if they're connected by a rubber band that has been stretched. -- But if the only force between them is the electrostatic force due to their charges, then they must always repel, because their charges have the same sign.

What does a charged object exert on other charged objects?

It depends on what the charge is on both of the objects. If object 'A' is negative and object 'B' is negative, the two will repel or move away from each other. This is the same if both 'A' and 'B' are positive. However, if one is positive and one is negative, then the two will attract, or move closer.

How do charged objects attract neutral objects?

Some neutral objects have a weak dipole force where electron distribution is random across the whole object, and at any one given time, one side may be slightly more positive than the other. This attraction is very weak but it happens frequently especially in solutions.

Why must there be equal amounts of positive and negative charges?

Mainly because that's the definition of a "neutral" atom ... one having zero net charge.

What is the subatomic particle with a neutral part?

it's a neutron. it has a slightly larger mass than a proton (positive charge) and over a thousand times the mass of an electron (negative charge). the neuron carries no charge.

Can equal forces in opposite direction change an objects motion?

If the force is acting in the opposite direction to the movement, the object will slow down and then accelerate in the direction of the force. Negative for

When two objects attract each other electrically do both of them need to be charged?

There are a several examples where electrostatic attraction exists between two object when there may be no net charge on one or both. The simplest case is polarization when a charged object brought near a neutral object. There will be an attraction which is larger of the neutral object is a conductor. The cause of the attraction is the induced polarization of the neutral object as a consequence of the electric field it experiences due to the charged object. The neutral object has an equal number of psotive and negative charges, but the positive charge are pretty much held in place by whatever chemical bonds are present. The electrons are freer to move and, especially in a conductor, will move towards or away from the charged object depending on whether it is potively or negatively charged. As a result, the redistribution of charge on the neutral object is such that the opposite to the original external charge are left closest to the original eternal charge and the remaining neutral object charge is further away and the same sign as he external object charge. Since the neutral object is now polarized with opposite and neutral charges are of the same magnitude, the attraction of the set of charges closest to the external charge is greater than the repulsion because the closer charges have the greater force. There is one more example, but one does not see this easily because it is between atoms. It allows atoms to attract each other even when they are neutral atoms. It is called the van der Waals force or the London dispersion force. It is a consequence of the dynamical motions of the electrons in the two neutral atoms. Basically, they slosh back and forth in a way that they form oscillating dipoles pointing alternately in opposite directions to produce a net attraction. To explain this in a proper scientific manner requires quantum mechanics, but the classical idea of coordinated dynamic dipoles is actually qualitatively the right idea. Finally, it is true in general that two neutral objects may have dipoles or quadrupoles or more comlicated multiples and there will in all these cases be electrical forces between them. Those forces may be attractive or repulsive depending on the orientation of the object.

What are the different parts of an atom and what kind of charge does each part have?

Atoms are made of three main particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons have negative charge, are very small (even for subatomic particles) and orbit the center of the atom, which contains the protons and neutrons. Protons have positive charge, and are held by strong nuclear force to the neutrons, which are neutral (no charge).

When can work be negative physics?

If you apply force in the same direction an object moves, the work on the object is positive.If the force is in the opposite direction as the direction the object moves, the work on the object is negative.

What are the negative effects of forces?

the negative effects of force are:- *force can stop a moving object. *force can produce heat. *force is not desirable