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Fossil fuels are so called because they have been formed from decayed vegetable or animal organisms, which over long periods of time have been converted to hydrocarbons. Energy from these fuels is essentially chemical energy which is formed by chemical reaction with oxygen, ie burning. It does not involve any nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy arises through changes to the nucleus of the elements concerned. The fuels used which can be made to fission and release energy are mainly uranium and also plutonium. These are metals and have no origin in any once living material, they are purely inorganic.

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Q: If nuclear energy is not a fossil fuel than what is it?
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Which of these accurately describes a difference between nuclear energy and fossil fuel?

Nuclear fuel has a higher energy density than fossil fuels.

What is the plan to reduce energy costs?

The plan to reduce energy costs are to switch from fossil fuel to nuclear energy because nuclear energy can be recycled to help the earth so it doesn't pollute! Plus their is more nuclear energy than fossil fuel so therefore you pay less.

Why is nuclear energy that provide electricity is more advantageous than the use of energy from fossil fuel?

precision and quality

What are some advantages of nuclear?

Cheaper, More energy than fossil fuel, Better for the air

Energy sources other than fossil fuel are called what kind of resources?

They are called renewables. (though strictly, nuclear power is not a fossil fuel and is not renewable).They are called alternative energy sources.

How does nuclear energy differ from fossil fuels?

With fossil fuels we burn them to produce heat. With nuclear fuel we produce a nuclear chain reaction in a reactor which produces heat. Using the heat to produce electricity is the same for both types of fuel.

Do fossil fuels have a higher or lower energy content than a similar mass of nuclear fuel?

Total energy as expressed in Einsteins equation E=mc2 reveals that they are identical because the masses are identical and c is a constant. With present technology you can extract more energy from a given mass of nuclear fuels (in a nuclear reactor) than the same mass of fossil fuel in a thermoelectric generating plant.

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Manufacturing fossil fuel energy is much less efficient than manufacturing _____.

Manufacturing fossil fuel energy is much less efficient than manufacturing?

Manufacturing fossil fuel energy is much less efficient than manufacturing _____.

What is true about nuclear power?

extracting energy from nuclear fuels is more expensive than extracting energy from fossil fuels

What are the enviromental impacts with nuclear energy?

Far less than fossil fuels. The amount of nuclear fuel required to make a certain amount of energy is tiny compared to fossil fuels, and therefore produces far less pollution. Most of the pollution is from mining the nuclear fuel, the only pollution from burning the fuel is "heat pollution", where the cooling towers dump waste heat into a lake or ocean and the temperature changes the ecosystem.

Why nuclear energy to produce electricity is more advantageous than the used of energy from fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy is a clean energy and doesn't pollute the atmosphere