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Very likely, yes. 70 mph winds can cause damage roofs, siding, and gutters but most structures will remain standing.

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1mo ago

It is possible for a house to sustain damage if winds reach 70 mph, especially if it is not properly built or reinforced to withstand high winds. Factors such as the design of the house, surrounding structures, and local building codes can all play a role in determining the extent of potential damage.

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Do tornadoes have 74 mph winds?

No, tornadoes typically have wind speeds much higher than 74 mph. Tornado wind speeds can range from 65 mph to over 300 mph, with stronger tornadoes capable of producing winds over 200 mph. A tornado with 74 mph winds would likely be considered a weak tornado.

What category is hurricane with sustained winds of 125 mph on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale?

A hurricane with sustained winds of 125 mph falls into Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. Category 3 hurricanes are considered major hurricanes due to their potential for causing significant damage.

How fast does wind have to be to knock down a house?

On average, sustained winds of at least 70-80 mph are needed to potentially knock down a well-built house. However, numerous factors such as the house's construction quality, age, and location can influence its susceptibility to wind damage.

Hurricane winds of 160 mph?

Hurricane winds of 160 mph are extremely powerful and destructive, capable of causing widespread devastation such as uprooting trees, destroying buildings, and producing dangerous storm surges. These winds are classified as category 5 hurricanes on the Saffir-Simpson scale, indicating the highest level of intensity. Residents in the path of such a storm would face extreme danger and should follow evacuation orders and preparedness guidelines.

How fast does wind have to be before its a hurricane in km?

; Category One Hurricane: Winds 74-95 mph; Category Two Hurricane: Winds 96-110 mph; Category Three Hurricane: Winds 111-130 mph; Category Four Hurricane: Winds 131-155 mph; Category Five Hurricane: Winds greater than 155 mph

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What category would a hurricane with 120 mph winds be?

A hurricane with 120 mph winds would be classified as a Category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Category 3 hurricanes are considered major hurricanes and have the potential to cause extensive damage.

How do you classify a tornado with winds 120 mph?

A tornado with estimated winds of 120 mph would be rated EF2.

What is a tornado rated at with winds of 100 mph?

A tornado with estimated winds of 100 mph would be rated EF1.

Do tornadoes have 74 mph winds?

No, tornadoes typically have wind speeds much higher than 74 mph. Tornado wind speeds can range from 65 mph to over 300 mph, with stronger tornadoes capable of producing winds over 200 mph. A tornado with 74 mph winds would likely be considered a weak tornado.

Can 15 mph winds blow a house down?

Generally, 15 mph winds are not strong enough to blow down a well-constructed house. However, the impact of wind on a house depends on various factors such as the design, construction materials, and structural integrity of the house. It is always important to ensure that a house is built to withstand the typical wind speeds in its location.

How fast do tornadoes blows?

Winds range from 65 mph to over 300 mph. Winds over 200 mph are very rare. Most tornadoes have winds within the range of 65-85 mph.

What hurricane has 190 mph winds?

Hurricane Dorian in 2019 had sustained winds of 185 mph, making it one of the most powerful hurricanes recorded in the Atlantic. Hurricane Allen in 1980 is one of the most intense hurricanes on record with 190 mph winds.

How fast do tornado winds go?

It varies widely. The weakest have winds of about 65 mph, while the strongest have winds over 300 mph.

How fast where the winds in hurricane katnia?

If you mean Katrina peak winds were 175 mph. If you mean Katia peak winds were 135 mph.

How fast are the winds during a tornado?

Winds in a tornado can vary greatly, with typical speeds ranging from 110 mph to 300 mph, but the most powerful tornadoes can have winds exceeding 300 mph. The highest wind speeds ever recorded in a tornado were estimated at over 300 mph.

How fast do the winds blow during a hurricane?

The wind speeds in a hurricane can vary, but typically range from 74 mph (119 km/h) for a Category 1 hurricane to over 157 mph (252 km/h) for a Category 5 hurricane. The strongest hurricanes can have wind speeds exceeding 200 mph (320 km/h).

Do tornadoes have weaker winds than hurricanes?

No, tornadoes can produce winds faster than in any hurricane. There is actually a substantial amount of overlap between hurricane and tornado winds. Winds for an EF0 tornado start at 65 mph and winds in the strongest tornadoes have been recorded at 302 mph. Hurricane force winds start at 74 mph. Hurricanes have had sustained winds as fast as 190 mph with gusts recorded up to 253 mph.