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Without an earthquake tsunamis can still form. They can come from an underwater landslide a submarine volcanic eruption, or a meteor strike in the ocean.

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How were people affected when the tsunami and earthquake hit Japan?

They were starving and they were buried under rubble and they were left without homes.

Who did the earthquake in Japan affect?

the parents and kidsAlso the environmentmany people are homeless now and are poor without anyone money. Peoples things has washed away after the tsunami. :(

What does the mantle have to do with the 2011 tsunami in Japan?

The mantle has everything to do with this earthquake, without the convection currents in the mantle the plates would have not moved to cause the earthquake in the first place. The problem is that Japan is at a destructive (also called compressional) plate boundry, not just that but there is another four plate boundaries quite close by to magnify the effect of the earthquake, the movement of the crust could also mean that there could be magma rising through the crust ready for an eruption. The earthquake caused the ocean crust to move 10m which displaced the water to create the tsunami.

Can a hurricane trigger a tsunami?

yes continental drift can cause a tsunami as the plates hit each other due to the continental drift. tsunami is actually an underwater earthquake the pressure from the epicenter causes huge tidal waves known as tsunami The pressure and the tidal waves are actually shock waves spreading from the focus and the epicenter.

Is the tsunami wave stronger than the hurricane?

Yes, the tsunami wave is stronger than the hurricane. The tsunami wave is a huge pile of water that can travel on land like one of the tsunami wave hit the states of Hawaii on march 11, 2010 off the west coast of the United States after Japan earthquake. Hurricanes are strong enough to blow houses, vehicles and boats away but then have to go back to the water to get more strength but the tsunami wave just continue traveling without having to go back to the water. The tsunami wave is much stronger than the hurricane and it is big enough to crush the whole entire building.

What is more dangerous a tornado or an earthquake?

Earthquakes and tsunamis tend to kill about the same number of people, which is generally far higher than the death toll of any tornado. The issue is somewhat complicated by the fact that most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes, and the death tolls of an earthquake and subsequent tsunami are often expressed as one figure.

What caused the tsunami in December 26 2004 Indian ocean?

what caused the tsunami well i dont really know but its like a underwater earthquake which caused the water to move with the speed of 400mph what caused the tsunami well i dont really know but its like a underwater earthquake which caused the water to move with the speed of 400mph

How are scientists able to predict the arrival of a tsunami at a given place?

They track the winds, according to season and temperature, usually, the info they do collect only shows patterns after the event takes place. They're trying to perfect it, but the weather is still pretty unpredictable. Scientist closely monitor areas that are frequently hit by tsunamis, such as coastal areas located near plate boundaries, and record wave heights and speeds etc. sometimes using buoys that are placed on the water surface off the coast. If there are anything unusual recordings, the scientists will be alerted and hopefully predict the arrival time of the tsunami accurately, or rather, before it strikes.

What happen when the world's first tsunami occur?

The world's first tsunami likely occurred before there were humans, so no one really knows, but it probably happened a lot like more recent tsunamis, just without any buildings to be damaged, cities to be flooded or people to be killed. An earthquake happened under the sea, resulting in huge waves, flooding coastal areas.

Can a Mewtwo learn Earthquake?

Not without an a r

What are the safer construction practices for tsunami?

To build a house that is relatively safe from a tsunami, it should be made out of wood, so as to be able to move, without just being destroyed. Of course, no house would be totally safe from a tsunami.

What are facts about the tsunami that hit new zealand?

The best answer to your question will be at, or, both of whom maintain such a database. Without knowing which tsunami you refer to, the question is unanswerable.