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From Ali (i am not a member yet)

it comes from oceanic crust


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Q: In sea floor spreading where does new crust come from?
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Related questions

What process adds new crust to the ocean floor?

Volcanic eruptions are one process that adds new material to crust. Lava from the volcanoes eventually cool, forming new land. Sea floor spreading also adds new material to the crust.

What is this is the process of creating new oceanic crust?

Sea floor spreading

The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor?

DA ANSWER ISseafloor spreadingThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_calledThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_called

What is the process new crust formation called?

sea-floor spreading

What is a good sentence for sea floor spreading?

Sea floor spreading mean the process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor

How does new oceanic crust from at a divergent plate boundary?

Sea-Floor Spreading is your answer.

New crust forms?

New crust forms at spreading zones like the Mid-Atlantic ridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They occur because of ocean floor spreading.

What is the process that creates new ocean crust to form molten rock?

Sea Floor Spreading

What is called when new crust forms where magma rises at mid ocean ridges?

sea floor spreading

Does sea floor spreading create or destroy new oceanic crust at mid ocean ridge?


The process of continually adds new crust to the ocean floor along both sides of the mid-ocean ridge.?

sea floor spreading

About sea floor spreading?

Sea-floor spreading is what happens when the plates in the earth's crust move apart. During this movement of the plates, magma wells up from deep within the earth and fills in the cracks, forming a new oceanic crust, or sea-floor.