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New sea floor or the oceanic floor forms through rifting or Mid Ocean Ridges. The ridge begins when Mantle convection from the Mantle rises up through the Moho to the surface. This causes a break between the continental floor and it begins to rift apart. The upwelling mantle will begin to cool off as it moves away from the centre forming new oceanic crust. The Younger crust is therefore in the middle of the rift with the older crust being on the edges.

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13y ago

New rocks are formed at divergent boundries. Divergent boundries are where plates of the earths crust are going away from each other and magma is rising and cools in the ocean and creates new rocks.

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12y ago

Mid-ocean floor. Here plates of the earth`s crust are being split apart. molten rock

pushed up from below forms new floorand a vast mountain range

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13y ago

It is formed at divergent plate boundaries known as Mid-Ocean-Ridges. A good example would be the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge.

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Q: In what part of the ocean is new ocean floor being formed?
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There are three processes that add material to the ocean floor: Sedimentation, and Vulcanism. Sedimentation is usually caused by skeletons of sea animals falling to the ocean floor. It can be argued that this is not new material but only recycled materials. But some of the remains are calcium or other deposits that are added from land based run off. Silt deposits also run into the ocean floor from the land, Vulcanism results from shifts in the ocean mantle with new material coming from deeper in the earth and spouting through volcanoes or emerging as new ocean floor at the rising edges of the tectonic plates.

The ocean bottom is part of the crust?

sea floor

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Along constructive/divergent plate boundaries. This is where the new ocean floor comes from. This is the youngest part of the ocean floor that is.

What is the reason for the formation of the Hawaii island?

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What is the part of the ocean floor nearest the continent?

Continental Shelf.

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What is the ocean floor part of?

The bottom of the ocean is part of a tectonic plate or continental shelf, or can be on the breach line between two shelves.