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the troposphere.

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Q: In which layer of the atmosphere do stratus clouds form?
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In which layer of the atmosphere do clouds form?

the troposphere.

What kind of clouds form low in the atmosphere?

stratus and cirrus

Where do stratus cumulus and cirrus clouds form?

in the sky

Why are stratus clouds made of water droplets?

Stratus clouds are mostly made of water droplets.

What does a nimbus clouds look like?

Stratus clouds are uniform gray clouds that usually cover the entire sky. They can form when very weak, upward vertical air currents lift a thin layer of air high enough to initiate condensation. Stratus clouds also form when a layer of air is cooled from below to its dewpoint temperature and water vapor condenses into liquid droplets. Stratus clouds look like a layer of fog that never reaches the ground. In fact, fog that "lifts" off the ground forms a layer of low stratus clouds. Precipitation rarely falls from true stratus clouds since the upward vertical motion needed for precipitation is very weak, but light mist and drizzle can sometimes accompany stratus clouds.

What are altocumulus clouds?

Cirrus clouds (Ci) are part of the genera high-étage and will form from 5,000 m in the troposphere.

Do thunderstorms and tornadoes come from nimbostratus clouds?

No. Thunderstorms form from cumulonimbus clouds, and tornadoes form from thunderstorms. Cucmulonimbus clouds develop in highly unstable atmosphere, while nimbo stratus indicates a fairly stable atmosphere.

What kind of clouds form at lower altitudes?

stratocumulus, stratus, and nimbostratus. i think there is one more though..

What type of cloud is flat and layered forming a blanket like cover over the sky?

Stratus Clouds form a layer or 'sheet' across the sky and tend to be much lower in the atmosphere

Clouds that form in a blanket like layers are?

the answer is stratus clouds!:)

Is middle the same meaning of stratus?

A form of clouds in which they are arranged in a horizontal band or layer. See Cloud.

What clouds form from cooling from below?

stratus clouds