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Q: Is a crack on folded rocks called a focus?
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When rocks crack and shift it is called a?

If you are talking about an earthquake, the focus right above it is the epicenter

What is a break or crack along which rocks moved called?

A break or crack along which rocks move is called a fault. Sudden motion along the faults result to earthquakes.

What is the crack?

"The crack" can refer to a highly addictive form of cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal. It is usually smoked and produces an intense, short-lived euphoric effect. Misuse of crack can lead to serious health issues and addiction.

When do folded rocks formed?

sedimentary rocks

What is a crack in crustal rock called?

Cracks in rocks of the crust are known broadly as discontinuities. If there is relative movement of the rocks on the two sides of the crack, then it is known as a fault. If there is not then it is known as a joint.

What are up-folded sedimentary rocks?

They are the part of sedimentary rocks that forms the crest of a folding during deformation. They are also called Anticlines.

When rocks crack in sections parallel to the surface of the rock it is called .?


When rocks crack in the section parallel to the surface of the rock it is called?


What are organisms that have roots that can crack rocks?

Plants are the organisms which have roots and can crack rocks

What do you call a break or crack along which rocks move?

I believe its called a fault line.

What are synclines?

Synclines are downward arches of folded rocks.

Changes in pressure which can cause rocks to crack is an example of what?

Changes in pressure which can cause rocks to crack is an example of mechanical weathering. It refers to the disintegration and decomposition of rocks.