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Proportional, in mathematical terms, means that the ratio remains constant no matter what. But Celsius and Fahrenheit's ratio does not remain constant: 1 degree Celsius is equal to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit, and 2 degrees C equals 35.6 degrees F. If you divide 35.6 by 2, it should equal 33.8, but since it does not, then therefore Celsius is not proportional to Fahrenheit.

To convert F to C:

F = C x 9/5 +32

It is the plus 32 that makes the temperatures not proportional.

C = (F - 32) x 5/9

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Q: Is a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit proportional to its equivalent temperature in degrees celsius?
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After -40 degrees. At -40 degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are equal. A temperature greater than -40 in Celsius will be smaller than its equivalent in Fahrenheit, but below -40 degrees Fahrenheit, its equivalent in Celsius will be larger.

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