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No. An air mass is a section of the atmosphere with certain characteristics of temperature and humidity that distinguish it from nearby air masses. Air pressure is, in simple terms, how much the air is pressing down on the surface.

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11y ago

The air temperature can be effected by the density and pressure of the air. The higher the density and pressure, the more compact the molecules, which means the colder the temperature and vice versa. The less compact the molecules mean the lower density and pressure.

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13y ago

a volume of air has a mass, density, and a pressure associated with it. Although the volume's mass is constant, its density and pressure are proportional to one another.

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How do you use air pressure and air mass in a sentence?

The air pressure and the air mass at the mountains was very high. It is an example sentence for air pressure and air mass.

Why does air exert pressure?

Air exerts pressure in the same way that water exerts pressure on a diver. Air has weight, and because we are at the bottom of a blanket of air that surrounds the earth, the weight of that air is pressing down on us (creating pressure). If you go under water, you'll feel the additional pressure created by the weight of the water above you.

Does air have a masse?

No, pressure is a measure of the force that air is putting on an object, not a mass. The air itself has mass, but not the pressure.

How is temperature humidity and pressure vary within an air mass?

The temperature of an air mass depends on the temperature of the surface over which it originated, which is largely determined by latitude. Moisture usually comes from a body of water such as the ocean.

What is the result of air mass?

the result of air mass/air weight is air pressure.

Air has pressure because air has?

Air has pressure because air has mass and weight.

How is the pressure on the air below a cool air mass different from the pressure under a warm air mass?

By solar energy

Can air have mass?

Yes air has mass. It is the mass of the air above a point on earth that is responsible for the air pressure.

What is a low pressure air mass?

K12 OHVA answer: cloudy, wet weather

Does a low air pressure mass have more humidity?

Yes a low air pressure mass has more humidity.

What does the low pressure air mass do?

The Low Pressure Air Mass is the active feature of Our Atmosphere, air rises at it's center.The High Pressure Air Mass exists where-ever the Low does not: Air rising at the center of Lows descends at the centers of High Pressure Systems.The Low Pressure Air Mass acts as a Heat Pump that takes Heat North and Cold South.

Why is airpressure greater near the surface?

Air pressure is greater near the surface because air has mass, which means that the mass of the Earth causes the force of gravity to pull the air towards the surface. This causes the air molecules to compress, which increases air pressure. At the same time, the air molecules want to depressurize, because they are a gas, causing them to physically push on each other. This causes the air pressure closest to the surface to be highest, because the depth of the air above those closest to the surface is greatest. As altitude increases, air pressure decreases for the same reason - there is less mass pushing from above.