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Lower. There is less air pressure pushing down on you, than say, a deep sea diver

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11y ago

Nope- it is lower at higher elevations.

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11y ago

No, lower

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Q: Is air pressure higher at higher elevation?
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Does the sea have more air pressure than the mountain?

The higher the elevation the lower the air pressure. Sea level is considered the standard for air pressure measurement.

What is atmospheric air?

Pressure caused by the atmoshere pushing also deceases as you get higher up in elevation... Pressure caused by the atmoshere pushing also deceases as you get higher up in elevation...

Is pressure higher at a lower or at a higher elevation?

lower elevation

How does a decrease in elevation affect air pressure?

The air pressure rises. When you go higher it lowers. That's why it gets harder to breathe as you elevate.

Why does elevation affect pressure?

The higher the elevation the lower the pressure.The lower the elevation the higher the pressure.The change can be expressesd by the formula:p = 101325 (1 - 2.25577 10-5 h)5.25588wherep = air pressure (Pa)h = altitude above sea level (m)

Why can an aneroid barometer be used as an as altimeter?

The aneroid measures elevation and air pressure has an airtight chamber that is sensetive to changes in the air pressures. Hope this helps.

Why is a bag puffed up when you are 3000 meters high?

It was packaged at a lower elevation where the air pressure is higher. As you move to a higher elevation the external air pressure decreases, but the air pressure in the bag stays the same. So the bag "blows up" like a balloon because the pressure inside it much greater than the pressure outside. Same thing happens in your ears.

Why do we experience pain in our ears as you go up in a high place?

The pain in our ears due to elevation change is caused by unequal pressure inside our bodies and the air pressure outside. As you go higher in elevation air pressure drops, so the pressure inside our bodies is higher that the outside environment. This high pressure inside our bodies causes pain as our bodies seek to regain equal air pressure with that of the environment by releasing air out of our ears; that is also why many people experience popping ears as they undergo dramatic elevation changes.

Why would it be cooler if you climb to a higher elevation in a desert?

it will be cooler because it air pressure decreases as you go higher in space.... DUHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Why would it be cooler if you climb a higher elevation in a desert.?

it will be cooler because it air pressure decreases as you go higher in space.... DUHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Why does water have a different boiling point at elevation than at sea level?

At a higher elevation there is less air pressure. In all liquids, a lower pressure means a lower boiling point.

Does Air pressure increases as elevation increases?

No. It is a negative correlation which means, as the elevation increases the air pressure decreases.