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Earthquakes are caused by geologic forces.

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Q: Is an earthquake weather related geologic or caused by humans?
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Are wildfires weather related geologic in nature or caused by humans?

Caused by humans and weather related

How do you categorize a tornado as weather related geologic in nature and or caused by humans?

The answer is geographic and weather

How is the tornado weather related or geologic in nature or caused by humans?

Tornadoes are spawned by thunderstorms and so are weather-related.

Are tsunamis a localized weather phenomenon?

No, they are not weather-related and usually not localized. Tsunamis are usually caused by a disturbance of the seabed such as an earthquake and can travel thousands of miles.

Is a tidal wave extreme weather?

No, Tsunamis are not weather-related. They are typically caused by a disturbance of the seabed such as an underwater earthquake or landslide.

Is a volcano caused by weather?

No. Volcanoes are the result of geologic forces.

What Weather causes an Earthquake?

Earthquakes are not caused by weather. The are caused by movement of tectonic plates.

Does a tornado have a weather or geologic or human cause?

Tornadoes are ultimately caused by weather, as they are violenlt weather events.

Is the tsuanmi in Japan caused by global warming?

No. The Japan tsunami was cause by an earthquake. Earthquakes are geologic events that are not affected by global temperatures. Global warming affects weather and climate patterns.

What is the weather pattern when a tsunami is about to hit?

There can be any sort of weather. Tsunamis are typically triggered by an undersea earthquake or landslide and are not weather-related.

Does the catastrophe have weather geologic or humans?

It depends on the kind of catastrophe. Catastrophes such as hurricanes and tornadoes are caused by weather. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are geologic events. Train wrecks and industrial accidents are human-caused.

Which does not affect the amount of destruction caused by earthquake vibration?

the weather during the day of the earthquake