

Is francium a non polar solvent?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Francium is a chemical element, not a solvent.

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Q: Is francium a non polar solvent?
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Cyclohexane is a non polar solvent.

Is cyclohexane a polar solvent or a non polar solvent?

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What does a polar solvent dissolve in?

a polar solvent dissolves a non polar solute

What are the Differences between polar solvent and non polar solvent?

A polar solvent is a compound which has dipole moments which allow compounds which are able to form ion-dipole moments to dissolve. Non-polar solvent refers to compounds which have no polarity,(no dipole moments, or that the polarity is cancelled out), such as CCl4.

What happen when a non-polar solute is mixed in a non-polar solvent?

the non polar solute gets dissolved as non polar solutes tend to dissolve in non polar solvents than in polar solvents. for eg: benzene(non polar solute) gets dissolved in carbon tetrachloride which is a non polar solvent but not in water because it is a polar solvent.

How polar and non polar bonds affect solubility?

Molecules with many polar bonds are soluble in polar solvents.Also, molecules with none or few polar bonds (many non-polar bonds) are soluble in non-polar solvent. e.g Water is a polar solvent so substances with many polar bonds are soluble in it.

Is water a non-polar solvent?

No, water is a polar solvent because of the polar oxygen-hydrogen bonds and the geometry of the compound.

What is the difference in a polar solvent and a non-polar solvent?

In polar solvents,the center of positive and negative charges do not coincide with each other and forms a dipole.The most common polar solvent is water. In non polar solvents the partially charges or poles do not exist.

Is the following combinations expected to be soluble or insoluble polar solute and non-polar solvent?

A polar solute would be insoluble in a non-polar solvent. The rule of thumb is "likes dissolve likes".

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Is Caesium polar or non-polar?

Caesium is a chemical element not a solvent.

Which solvent is best suited to slightly polar and non- polar substances?

For each of these substance a specific solvent is recommended.