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Humidity is caused by water vapor in the air, but rain contributes to the amount of vapor in the air, so I suppose you could say they both do, but it's the water vapor that truly creates humidity.

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Q: Is humidity in air caused by rain or water vapor?
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What affects does humidity have?

Humidity is the measure of water in the air or other vapor. The greater the humidity, the larger the mole fraction of water in the vapor phase. Therefore less water will evaporate at constant pressure.

How does water vapor in the air effect the weather?

colder air doesn't collect as much water vapor

What are the water droplets outside of a glass is?

The water droplets are the result of the humidity in the air colling down and condensing on the outside of the glass. When water evaporates it turns into water vapor or steam we call the amount of water vapor in the air humidity. condensation is the reverse of evaporation and is also responsible for rain.

What is humidity and how is it affected by temperature and pressure?

Simply humidity is percentage of moisture in atmosphere or in a gas.When temp. increases pressure reduces, that means gas percentage reduces in unit volume. But due to latent heat of water vapor expansion of vapor is less which results in increase in humidity. And when temp reduces, gaseous volume increases result in less humidity. The above case is for constant water vapor in air. If rain is there humidity increases because of chance of getting to water vapor is more.

What will happen if humidity increases until the air cannot hold more water vapor?

it occurs as rain,fog,or mist

What is the pollution caused by water vapor combining with sulfur dioxide air?

Acid rain.

How much relative humidity would decrease when temperature rises?

Relative humidity is a ratio between the partial pressure of water vapor and the saturation pressure of water vapor at the current temperature and pressure. If the temperature and pressure change, then the relative humidity will change also. You are correct that higher temperatures allow the atmosphere to hold more water. That means that the saturation pressure of water vapor has increased while the current vapor pressure has remained the same, causing the relative humidity to drop. We think of humidity as how hot and sticky it is outside. The closer the water vapor pressure is to its saturation point, the more hot and sticky we feel. We associate humidity with heat since that is when we are uncomfortable, but rain is caused by the relative humidity rising to 100% because the humid air cooled to the point that the saturation pressure dipped below the current vapor pressure (or other pressure changes, or a combination of both). You can learn more at the link below. I hope this helps.

Why does it rain when the humidity is high?

Let's look at what humidity is. Humidity is the level of moisture in the atmosphere. What are clouds made of? Electrically charged water molecules. Because of being electrically charged, these molecules bond to each other, forming a cloud. This cloud receives more and more water vapor, until it cannot hold any more, and it releases the water vapor in the form of precipitation. Keep in mind though, this doesn't always happen (the rain), when there is moderate to high humidity , but there does have to be high levels of moisture in order for rain to occur.

What is the eight letter word having to do with water vapor?

These words are connected to the words Water Vapor: Steam Vaporize Fog Rain Rain Clouds Mist Hot Vapors Cold Vapor treatment

Does humidity have an effect on cloud formation?

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. Clouds are formed by condensation, which is when these water molecules in the form of water vapor condense. When it is too dense, it releases the extra water. So when humidity is high, rain clouds or fog are more likely to form.

How does water vapor become rain?

The water vapor goes into the cloud and the cloud fills up with water then it lets out the rain witch becomes rain.

What does water vapor make?
