

Is hydrogen in what group?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Hydrogen is the most difficult element to classify because its properties indicate it to belong in different groups.

  • Hydrogen can lose an electron to become a +1 ion; this is similar to to alkali metals. It can form compounds that are analogs of alkali metals compounds such as HCl and HNO3.
  • Under very high pressure, it has the properties of a metal. Hydrogen can react with several metals such as nickel to form materials that behave as alloys of two metals.
  • Hydrogen can gain an electron to become a -1 ion; this is similar to the halogens. It can form compounds that are analogs of halogen compounds such as NaH and CaH2.
  • It also forms covalent bonds and is a nonmetal and a gas at standard conditions anyway such as O2 and N2.
  • Additionally, the electronegativity of hydrogen is almost an average of the lowest and highest electronegativity. The situation is similar with the first ionisation energy. This means that it could be classed as a metalloid.


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Hydrogen, although a gas, is included in the Alkali Earth Metals- Group 1

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Hydrogen is not in a group with other families. It actually is in group 1 of the Periodic Table. It is a diatomic atom when it combines with other elements.

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Hydrogen is located in Group 1A of the Periodic Table.

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None. Hydrogen is in its own group.

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Hydrogen is found in group 1 row 1 of the periodic table

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Hydrogen is a non-metal; it's in group VII

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The alkali metals are the metals in Group 1 (the first column of the periodic table). Hydrogen is also in Group 1, and so is technically considered to be part of the alkali metal group/family. Hydrogen is in fact a non-metal, however, and does not generally exhibit behavior similar to the other Group 1 elements.

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In the first column, under hydrogen. Although hydrogen is in that column, it is not an alkali metal. Hydrogen is in it's own group, popularized as the "group of one"

In which group is hydrogen in periodic table?

it is placed in group 1