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Iron, or Iron Ore, is a mineral that is found within rock. It would be more likely to be found in igneous rocks as a vein or ore to be mined. However, red sandstone has particles of iron ore within it, which give it the reddy colour.

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Q: Is iron a igneous or sedimentary rock?
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What type of rock can iron pyrite be found in?

igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

What process did iron ore go through to be a sedimentary rock?

Orginally an igneous rock and then became secondary metamorphic rock and now sedimentary rock.

What is granite in sedimentary form?

No, it's not a sedimentary rock, it is an igneous rock. :)

Why does the igneous rock turn into a sedimentary rock?

becuase the igneous rock cools dowwn and turn into sedimentary rock

What is the process sedimentary to igneous?

In order to get an igneous rock from a sedimentary rock, the sedimentary rock must be melted and then that melt must crystallize.

Is a sedimentary rock an igneous rock?

No. Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are three different categories of rock.

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Igneous rock can become sedimentary if it is weathered into sediment and then lithified.

How does a Sedimentary rock to an igneous rock?

The sedimentary rocks would have to melt and cool again to make an igneous rock.

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Limestone is a sedimentary rock.

What in no more than three sentences can you explain the rock cycle?

Igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock. Metamorphic rock can change into igneous or sedimentary rock.

Is a granite a sedimentary?

No, it's not a sedimentary rock, it is an igneous rock. :)

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Igneous Rock