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yes and no. The liquid nitrogen is not toxic but in its liquid form it is at (around) -330oF which will freeze and destroy flesh on contact. If you (for example) freeze a banana with it you can smash the fruit with a hammer and it will shatter like glass - so its effect on your body is extremely dangerous.

On the plus side it will very quickly return to a gaseous state - because it will get above the boiling point very quickly at normal room temperature (liquid nitrogen looks very much like boiling water if you have an open vessel). This could be dangerous in an unventilated room because you can't survive on nitrogen and you would, potentially, suffocate as it reduces the available oxygen in each breath.

As the leak will be obvious and, presumably, it is in an area where dealing with liquid nitrogen is a common occurrence so it will be ventilated and safety equipment is available the risk is small, however a leak of any vessel under pressure could lead to catastrophic failure especially because such temperatures can make metal brittle and the resulting explosive decompression could cause a lot of damage.

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Q: Is it dangerest if a tank of liquid nitrogen is leaking?
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no. Compressed nitrogen need not be insulated. Liquid nitrogen is always insulated. Typically compressed nitrogen is stored at high pressure(over 1000 psi) and liquid nitrogen is kept at less than 100 psi.

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Although well insulated, the tank will gradually warm and as it does so the liquid Nitrogen will boil off (the gas is allowed to escape from the tank which is not sealed and pressurized). This happens gradually, so the liquid Nitrogen can be stored for as long as some remains in the tank (this will depend on the size of the tank (Dewer - see link below)).

What will happen when liquid nitrogen leaks out of a storage tank?

It will heat up and evaporate.

Can nitrogen used as a fuel in cars?

Yes , it can be. A living example is a Liquid Nitrogen Vehicle.A liquid nitrogen vehicle is powered by liquid nitrogen, which is stored in a tank. Traditional nitrogen engine designs work by heating the liquid nitrogen in a heat exchanger, extracting heat from the ambient air and using the resulting pressurized gas to operate a piston or rotary engine. Vehicles propelled by liquid nitrogen have been demonstrated, but are not used commercially.

Can liquid nitrogen be used for cooling your house?

Yes, liquid nitrogen can be used to cool air passed through a heat exchanger. It is however a once through system. You would need a tank to hold the liquid nitrogen, and have more delivered every so often. very expensive.

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You can stop a leaking gas tank, by making a paste of soap on the hole of the gas tank.

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Smear washing up liquid over where you suspect there is a leak will start bubbling and prove if there is a leak or not.

What is a VIE tank?

VIE means Vacuum Insulated Evaporator tank. It used to hold Liquid nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in their liquid form. The tank is constructed in a way that it has space (vacuum) between the outside surface and the main container to act as insulation.

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with a nitrogen tank

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A pressure regulator is required on a nitrogen tank.