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Q: Is it possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock?
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Is it possible for the rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock?


Is it possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentare rocks?


What rocks are formed from broken rocks?

Clastic sedimentary rocks and Cataclasites (a form of metamorphic rock) are formed from broken rocks.

What does cycle?

cycle means it cycles between sedimentary,metamorphic and igneous rocks. cycle means it cycles between sedimentary,metamorphic and igneous rocks. -Mrs.Zalenski

What are the 3 rocks in the rock cycle?

Three (3) rocks in the rock cycle are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock.

What else can sedimentary rocks form from?

All rocks can form from sedimentary because the rock cycle is endless.

Why do mineralogists call this a rock cycle?

A cycle mean something which continue changing. In a rock cycle, the three types of rocks - Igneous rocks changes to Sedimentary rocks wich changes to Metamorphic rocks. These metamorphic rocks can cange into sedimentary rocks by suitable conditions

How does the sedimentary rocks change into other types of rocks?

by the rock cycle :)

Is it possible for rocks to skip sedimentary in the rock cycle?

Yes a rock can change from metamorphic to igneous back to metamorphic the rock cycle does not go in order unless magma cools into igneous and sediment changes into sedimentary rock

What are intermediate materials in a rock cycle?

In the Rock Cycle : The Rocks are- Sedimentary Rocks, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. The Intermediate Materials are- Sediments and Magma

What processes help change metamorphic and igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks?

The rock cycle

What is the name for rocks changing between sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rocks?

The rock cycle.