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Yes it depend how they reflet on your eyes...only if u have hazel eyes they are most likley to change brown.

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1mo ago

No, rain does not have the ability to change eye color. Eye color is determined by genetics and cannot be altered by external factors such as rain.

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Does colour of eyes change with weather?

Yes, your eye color can change according to your emotion. Changing of eye color can also be caused by what you wear, too, but lets stick to emotion. My eyes change color according to emotion (except for the outer edges of my eyes, they stay dark blue); Grey = calm, normal, laid back Dark grey = Pissed, angered, annoyed Grey with some gold and green = happy, excited Light grey and light blue = sad, concerned, worried Gold streaked with grey = love Color change is (according to research) caused by blood pressure. If you embarrassed or excited, for an example, your blood goes faster through the veins and if your calm your blood then goes slower. The results from that are, like how your face goes red when your embarrassed, your eyes change color. I hope i helped! :3

What is a tiger's eye streak color?

A tiger's eye typically has a golden-brown streak color.

What is the location and weather like in the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is located at the center of the storm and is typically calm with clear skies. The weather in the eye is characterized by light winds and no precipitation. The eye is surrounded by the eyewall, which contains the most severe weather conditions in the form of strong winds and heavy rain.

Which severe weather occurrence includes an eye eyewall and rain bands?

A hurricane. The eye is the center of the storm with calm winds, while the eyewall is the region of intense thunderstorms surrounding the eye. Rain bands are spiraling bands of showers and thunderstorms that extend outwards from the center of the hurricane.

What has a calm eye?

A hurricane has a calm eye, which is a circular area of light winds and clear skies at the center of the storm.

Related questions

How can you permantely change your eye color?

You can permanently change your eye color by getting eye surgery

How does honey change your eye color?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming honey can change eye color. Eye color is determined by genetics and cannot be altered by food or drink.

How can I change my eye color?

You can get contact lenses in a different color. You can not actually change the color of your eye balls.

Can you change your eye color naturally?

kind of. Hazel eyes i believe can change. they usually change green and blue!--------------------- It is possible for the some eye colours to change naturally depending on light. I have Hazel eyes and they range from dark brown to bright green and yellow depending on how bright the light shining on them is. However, it is not possible for eyes to change colour permenantly, like from blue to green.

The human eye interprets a change in wavelength as a change of what?

The human eye interprets a change in wavelength as a change in color. Different wavelengths of light correspond to different colors that are perceived by the eye.

Can honey be used to lighten eye color?

Honey can not change your eye color.

When you were little your eyes were so dark they looked black and you couldn't see your pupils but now your eyes look brown and now you can see your pupils. Is it possible for eyes to change color?

It is not common for eyes to change color, as eye color is determined by genetics. However, subtle changes in lighting, age, and pupil size can make eye color appear different. If there is a significant and unexplained change in eye color, it may be a sign of a medical condition and should be checked by an eye doctor.

Is the eye color physical or chemical change?

Eye color is a physical change, not a chemical change. Eye color is determined by the amount and distribution of melanin in the iris, which is a physical characteristic that can change over time but does not involve any chemical reactions.

How do you change eye color in a picture?

If you have programs on your computer that let you get rid of red eyes you could change the eye color by clicking the color you want.

Is there a way to change your eye color?


Does your eye color change to your surroundings?


Why does your eye change color?

They dont