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Yes. Other places that are safe is a basement, storm cellar, bathtub, and a closet.

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Q: Is it safe to seek shelter under the stairs during a tornado?
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Where do you go when in your basement during a tornado?

Safe places you may go (depending the layout of your basement) include under the stairs, in any small room that the basement may have, or in the center part of the basement.

People caught in the open during a tornado should seek shelter under highway overpasses?

False. People caught in the open should seek shelter in a ditch or depression. An overpass acts as a wind tunnel, causing wnd to speed up as it passes through.

What is the best place to hide during a tornado?

Get to a basement or storm cellar if possible. If underground shelter is unavailable then a central room or closet (especially a bathroom) is the next best option. If caught in the open or in a car with no shelter available lie in a ditch, do not get under a bridge and do not stay in the vehicle.

What happens if you are near a tornado?

During a tornado If you are in a house Go to the basement or take shelter in a small interior ground floor room such as a bathroom, closet or hallway. If you have no basement, protect yourself by taking shelter under a heavy table or desk. In all cases, stay away from windows, outside walls and doors.

What do you do if you get stuck in a tornado?

Seek shelter. If you can get yourself underground, that's the best place to be. Although many people assume overpasses provide a safe haven this is far from the truth; they are by far the worst place to be as a large tornado will easily suck you out. See related links for video of the infamous 1991 tornado in which a group survived a small tornado under an overpass, and a link to tornado myths.

Related questions

What is the safest thing to do if you are in a car during a tornado?

The best thing to do is abandon the car and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression. Do NOT seek shelter under a bridge.

What should you do if you are out in the open and a tornado came?

If no shelter is available lie in a ditch. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.

What should you do if you are in a car and a tornado happens?

Get to a nearby sturdy building if possible. If you have no access to shelter and the tornado is in the distance driver perpendicular or diagonal to the tornado's path depending on what the road allows. If the tornado is getting close get out of the vehicle and lie down in a ditch or depression. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.

When a tornado hits when you're in a car what do you do?

Abandon the vehicle. Get to a sturdy shelter if you can. If not, take shelter in a ditch or depression and cover your head. Get as low as possible. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.

Where do you go when in your basement during a tornado?

Safe places you may go (depending the layout of your basement) include under the stairs, in any small room that the basement may have, or in the center part of the basement.

What do you do if you are in a car when a tornado is forming?

You either drive as fast and carefully away from the tornado, or if there is a tornado shelter nearby, hide in it. Don't go under a bridge or overpass since these act as windtunnels.

What should you do outdoors in a tornado?

If you are caught out doors during a tornado, it is best to find an underground area where the wind can't reach. Don't go somewhere where the wind can flow through as it will possibly intensify wind speeds.

What are the top three places to hide during a tornado?

The best places to take cover in a tornado areIn a basement or cellarIn a windowless room or hallway near the center of a house on the lowest floor.A bathroom

Could a bridge of any structure protect someone from an F3-F4 tornado?

No. Bridges are not considered safe shelter from tornadoes of any intensity. In fact the winds of a tornado accelerate as they pass under a bridge. So taking shelter under one actually puts you at greater risk.

Where is the best place to get shelter from a tornado in a split level house with no basement?

You should get under a heavy piece of furniture

What should you do if a tornado comes and you are not at home?

If you are in a building go to an interior room on the lowest floor and stay away from windows. If you are outside or in a car with no access to shelter take cover in a ditch. Do not attempt to outrun the tornado and do not seek shelter under an overpass.

What should you do if a tornado comes and you're in the open?

Try to reach the nearest sheltered place. If no shelter is nearby lie in a ditch or gulley. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.