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Q: Is it true habitat extinction only occurs in rain forests?
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What issues face the animals who live in the tropical rainforest?

The natural habitat of many animals in rain forests are being destroyed. This has led to extinction of many of the animals that lived there. Many animals are only found in rain forests. Extinction upsets the food chain, which can lead to the absence of food sources for other animals. This in turn can lead to more extinction of other animals.

When doe extinction occur?

Extinction of a single species can occur at any time if said species in hunted excessively, but mass extinction only occurs every 27 to 33 million years.

What is the habitat of a giant panda?

Jungle? Asia? actually they eat only bamboo and they live in china in bamboo forests

Are pumas in dangered?

The only subspecies of the cougar that is endangered is the Florida panther due to habitat loss and habitat fragmentation as well as vehicular accidents. The species as a whole, however, is in no danger of extinction.

What is a Sumatran tiger's habitat?

This tiger is only found on an island called Sumatra, a island found in western Indonesia. Its habitat is from lowland forest to mountain and swamp forests.

What is the habitat of the sumatran?

They are found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra off the Malaysian Peninsula. Their habitat ranges from lowland forest to mountain forest and includes evergreen, swamp and tropical rain forests.

Why are there forests in the middle of the desert?

Altitude is the ONLY difference that change desert to forest, but an OASIS occurs where there are underground springs or rivers.

Why is it important to protect animal habitats?

Habitat protection is a land management practise that seeks to conserve, protect and restore habitat areas for wild plants and animals, especially to keep species, and prevent their extinction.

What is a liger habitat and range?

Since lions and tigers do not inhabit the same areas of the globe, and a liger is a captive bred hybrid, the habitat would be a cage.

Does Habitat loss is the major cause of extinction?

Depends on what it is, sometimes the loss of habitat is the greatest danger but it can also be poaching (killing animals to get something from them to sell). Like the Siberian tiger (killed for it's fur). The destruction of habitat does happen else where but generally only happens around the rainforest.

What is a rhino's habitat?

Rhinos can be found in savannahs as well as tropical forests in Africa and Asia. They are the second largest mammal on land.

Can anything be done to save barn owls?

Preserve dense forests where it occurs. Although able to survive in cutover forests, this habitat is more suited to a very close relative, the barred owl. The barred owl is pushing the spotted owl out of these areas, and only the preservation of the great forests can help the spotted owl. Barred owls rarely frequent deep, dense woods.