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Q: Is it true that the geologist cannot observe earth's interior directly?
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Why is it difficult to determine earths inner structure?

The Earth's interior cannot be directly observed. Scientists must rely on indirect data to make hypotheses about the interior. Indirect evidences include meteorite composition, volcanic ejecta, intrusive igneous rock exposed through erosion, and the behavior of seismic waves as they travel through the Earth. They porduce youmama and fu yall It is difficult to determine Earth's inner structure because of all the layers. The Earth altogether is made up of seven layers.

What happens inside a close car on a hot day?

The temperature will rise because the interior cannot re-radiate all of the heat through the glass or car body (as in a greenhouse). Unless the car is being cooled in some way, the interior air can reach potentially dangerous temperature levels (35 to 40°C or higher).

How can scientists lean about the mantle if they cannot study it directly?

scientists must use observations of earths surface to draw conclusions about the mantle.

Can density difference force magma upward into cooler layers of earths interior?

FALSE: gravity cannot force magma upwards, gravity can olny force downwars. the reason magma shoots from the earths interior is because the pressure from the magma trying to push through the force gravity causes an eruption.

What is a human-environment interaction in Pittsburgh?

Paving a parking lot with asphalt means that rain and snow cannot sink into the ground. The water will run directly to the river, causing a rapid rise in water levels.

Related questions

Why do astronomers have difficulty studying the black hole?

Black holes do not emit light, so we cannot observe them directly

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people use ultrasound technologies, such as sonar and ultrasound imaging to observe things that they cannot see directly.

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no, MDF cannot observe water

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A point has no interior and so cannot have interior angles.

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WikiAnswers cannot read your mind to know what you did or did not observe.

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This question cannot be answered because we cannot observe an extinct creature.

What is unobservable behavior?

A behavior which you cannot observe or see with your eyes

What has large interior angle a triangle or heptagon?

A heptagon. It can have a reflex interior angle, a triangle cannot.

Can you find the exterior angle before the interior angle?

No, you cannot find the exterior angle before the interior because the interior angles can vary in many ways.

How can you observe a class using inferential statistics?

You cannot. Statistics are not an observational tool.