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Yes. Larger cloud droplet fall at a higher terminal velocity.

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Q: Is it true that warm clouds raindrops form by the bergeron process?
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What are frozen raindrops falling from clouds called?

Frozen raindrops are sleet, individual pellets of ice.Snow is formed by ice crystals that form around a particle of dust.Hail is a ball of frozen ice that accumulates by layers in a thunderstorm.

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evaporation and condensation

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Rain is liquid that falls from a clouds. Glaze ice is frozen or partially frozen raindrops, in the form of ice pellets.

Why it rains more where more trees are?

Because trees grow near rivers to get water to the trees. Then the clouds absorbed the river water and form raindrops which fall.

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Is the word raindrops a collective noun?

No, the noun raindrops is the plural form for raindrop.A collective noun is a word that groups a number of like things; for example, a smattering of raindrops, a deluge of raindrops, or a few raindrops.

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